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Beach bunnies

I walk early in the morning sometimes on Siesta Beach. I usually go with a writer/friend of mine. It’s funny, isn’t it, how if you have a friend and she’s a writer, you never just say “she’s a friend of mine,” you always say, “she’s a writer/friend of mine.” Same thing with guy writer friends. Why the heck is that?

But I digress. Sometimes I go on my own too. Sometimes I wear my shades … even when it’s not sunny!

Beach-bound about a week ago.

Beach-bound about a week ago.

Sometimes I run into beach beauties cast in sand.

Sand-bound beauty!

Sand-bound beauty!

Sometimes I run into real, live gorgeous beach bodies — girls and women who rock their bodies and their suits so fabulously that I want the sand to suddenly swell up around my ankles and pull me down quick into the nether regions of a sandy abyss where no one can see me in my mournful black tee shirt and old-as-the-hills capris. No such luck. I have to just keep walking and sweating and wondering why the heck I had such an obsession with Ben & Jerry over the past year.

Sometimes, I run into real beach bunnies … and they’re the best sights of all. They make my morning. I speak in French to them “Bonjour, mes petits lapins!” And they singularly ignore me.

Quelquechose pour le diner, peut-etre?

Quelquechose pour le diner, peut-etre?

Posted on July 31st, 2009Comments RSS Feed
2 Responses to Beach bunnies
  1. What would we do without our writer friends. Missed your appearance at Sarasota Books. Would you be interested in coming to chat at our writer’s group in Sarasota? It will resume in Sept. after our summer break. It is lead by Pat Vaughn who is a writer’s advocate, editor and publisher. Her site is I’ve linked you in my blog. Hope you’ll reciprocate. Hope to see you soon, Jill

  2. Jill, thanks so much for visiting MC Reality Online! And thanks for the invite about the writer’s group. If you want to discuss that idea further, my contact information is given on the About page of this site. I’m going to visit your blog!

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