I’ve been like a machine lately — just really keeping my nose to the proverbial grindstone. I think the economy, the cutbacks on writing assignments, the slower-paying clients, and just the slowdown in general has me feeling like a big ole scaredy-cat. I mean, just how close to being a bag lady do I want to get!? Not very, thank you very much. So, my obsession with working has taken its toll on a lot of things, but one thing I can always count on is that no matter how much more work I have to get done, Boomerang is going to demand his nightly walk. He knows he gets to go out around 630 or 7 pm and he doesn’t let me forget it.
So, here are some photos of my break with Boomerang from yesterday. It’s now 6:43 as I make this post and he’s meowing again to go out. Break time!