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If you want to hear MC’s opinion

. . . on everything from lizards mating to the kissing statue on our bayfront to my theories on clipping coupons, shopping at my local Publix, sex in the morning, and going with fewer martinis every week . . . have a listen at the link below! You can laugh, at least, at my goofy attempts to keep from swearing and roll your eyes, at the very least, at the very weird conversation about the word “colored” and the word “black.” And yes, I know I bungled it … but I was just a little taken aback.

MC on the radio talkin’ ’bout lizards, sex, and horse-surfing!

I’m not saying it’s the most fascinating radio talk of all time — but if you care to listen to the podcast of the radio show I was on earlier today — WSLR 96.5 LPFM’s Two Early in the Morning — check it out.

Posted on September 16th, 2009Comments RSS Feed
4 Responses to If you want to hear MC’s opinion
  1. It was enjoyable MC and you handled yourself well .Continued success in your upcoming ventures!

  2. He was really bustin’ his … You know, haulin’ his … (m.c. almost slipped with an “expletive deleted” X2.)

    pretty funny.. and, cute.. awwwww.

  3. Who was that clueless man you had to interview with who sees “exciting” diversity on Myrtle where the poorist in our town are stuck living in an industrial area and who, of “that era” calls blacks colored and “Blacks” in you face! Many others of “that era” have evolved! I admire your Patience !

  4. Steve and John — thanks for listening in to the podcast!

    Joan O — I have to admit I was pretty nonplussed by the conversation and that doesn’t happen too often. I don’t feel I handled it as well as I would have liked but appreciate your listening and your comments. I, too, felt a wide-eyed kind of shock, honestly. As I said on the radio — I haven’t heard that kind of language, really, for an incredibly long time. It caught me by surprise and made me think about a lot of things … well, thanks for visiting the blog and for commenting!

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