If walks were presents, then Boomerang must have a birthday everyday — because he always gets at least one walk a day, and today — on his real birthday, he’s already had two walks and it’s only a bit past noon.

Yes, you read right — it’s Boomerang’s birthday too. (are you sensing a trend here?) He and Einstein share not just their tuxedo coats, but the same date of birth.

Boomer vastly enjoys his walks, so much that he growls and grumbles when I say “Come along” because he knows that’s language for “Time to go in.”

One of his favorite activities while walking, and never more so than on his birthday, is sniffing out, hunting down, and trying to capture the gazillion squirrels that live in the yard (no, of course, I’d NEVER let him catch one). Here he is in on today’s prowl:

He's a man on a mission ... squirrel-hunting!
He's a man on a mission ... squirrel-hunting!
Sniffing for squirrels.
Sniffing for squirrels.
Crouching tiger ... prey in sight ... but leash held tight!
Crouching tiger ... prey in sight ... but leash held tight!

8 Responses

  1. You are going to need a bigger leash.Boomer needs to lose weight MC.Stop giving his so many treats.

  2. are you kidding me? he’s gorgeous! and very healthy! i admit i give him a lot of snacks. maybe i’ll cut back starting tomorrow.

  3. Oh they all are gorgeous MC but still Boomer looks like he ate about 3 squirrels for breakfast while you weren’t looking…..At least pick up the pace…:-)

  4. The EB is seriously thinking of kicking you both out for your very un-birthday like comments about Boomerdoodle.

  5. Finally JP is on my side…..Oh MC you wouldn’t do that to your two longest bloggers….The heck with that when is the your party with your book news etc……Johnny P the first drink is on me…. “Boomer stop eating the brownies they are for my birthday party”

  6. We love your beautiful cats!!!
    They look adorable
    you are a proud loving owner
    and should be commended on your cat nuturing skills
    We are thinking of using your cat as a centerfold in our next edition
    happy birthday!!!!!

    Ur friends at Cat Fancy