Life Coaching: what it’s all about

If a tiny seed of a plant can actually find its way through a thick barrier of layered tar and shell in a driveway as it makes its way toward the sunlight it craves ... what do you think you can do in your life?
If a tiny seed of a plant can actually find its way through a thick barrier of layered tar and shell in a driveway as it makes its way toward the sunlight it craves … what do you think you can do in your life?

I work with individuals who are generally fairly content with their lives, but want to take one or more aspects of their lives to a higher level. They may love their job, for example, but feel hesitant to ask for the salary they deserve. They may be recent college or high school grads who, questioning what to do next in their lives, would like to bounce ideas off an impartial listener. Some clients are struggling with relationships, or yearning to switch careers. Others may be about to hit a big “0” year — 40, 50, 60, etc., — and are seeking strategies to enhance their lives, implement changes, or pursue long-delayed dreams.

Using a variety of coaching tools, I help people unravel what’s keeping them stuck, unmotivated or dissatisfied. Almost all of us have unconscious thoughts, behaviors, patterns, and habits that, without us even realizing it, are like concrete roadblocks preventing us from attaining what we truly desire. If you hear yourself repeating the “shoulda, woulda, coulda”mantra one too many times, there’s a good chance you could benefit from coaching.

Who do I work with?
Wherever someone is at in his or her life – whatever age, from mid-teens to 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond — I meet them where they are and help them move forward to where they want to be.

Basically, a life coach can help anyone who is asking the big questions of life: “What do I want to do or become?” “Why isn’t what I’m doing working?” “Why aren’t I happier?” “How can I get more of the ‘good stuff’ — the fun, success, passion, freedom — that takes life from so-so to so wonderful?” It all boils down to what the poet Mary Oliver asked in her poem, The Summer Day: “What do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Connecting with a life coach is a proven, profound, and often quite fun way to discover the answers, gain direction, and create meaningful, lasting change.

How it works
Most sessions take place weekly, over the phone, and last about an hour; occasionally sessions are in person. Duration of our collaboration can last from just a few weeks, to many months; it’s up to the client. I offer package rates for four or more sessions, because I do believe the most powerful growth takes time. But really, with people who are willing to dive in and dig deep quickly, I’ve seen significant shifts within one session. Of course, all discussions and communications are completely confidential.

Wondering how in the heck a life coach is going to help you? To learn more about my coaching approach and credentials, click here.

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Want to talk about how life coaching can help you in your own life? Give me an e-jingle and let’s talk: