Life Coach M.C. Coolidge: In the News

As a Certified Life Coach, I’m based in Sarasota, Florida, and available to clients across the country. So, I’m always ultra appreciative whenever anyone shares my thoughts as a life coach in print near or far, or gives me a shout-out on social media or the Internet, or allows me to talk about my coaching approach on radio or television! It’s all good!

M.C. Coolidge Certified Life Coach: In the News

style magazine 2015Herald Tribune’s STYLE Magazine included a sweet introduction about my life coaching. No photo of me, but it’s the words that count (lower left part of page). January, 2015.

Life coach advice from M.C. Coolidge
Photo courtesy of
USA featured an article where I’m quoted on the topic of procrastination and money. Here’s one of my tidbits of wisdom: “Every time we avoid taking conscious action to take care of our finances, we’re unconsciously sending a message to ourselves: ‘I’m not worth the effort.’ That message, in turn, perpetuates the procrastination cycle.” December, 2014.