Sarah, I’m a ballsy chick, but I’m no pit bull (maybe more of a Boston Terrier). I don’t care for hockey (just a tad violent for my tastes), and I don’t wear lipstick (I’m a gloss gal myself).
But just ‘cause I wouldn’t self-identify with a pit bull, doesn’t mean I’m not willing to jump into the pit and give you a bite or two of my own.
You said: “To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters. I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House.”
I’m just curious why you didn’t also say “To the families of high school children having sex and getting pregnant all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your unmarried, pregnant teenage daughters. I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House.”
I also wonder what your reaction would have been if Obama had made a similar pledge.
Can you imagine? “To the families of biracial and black children all across this country ….”
What would your dismissive, sarcastic speech-writer write for you then, Sarah?
You said: “… this is America, and every woman can walk through every door of opportunity.”
Oh, no you didn’t!
Uh, Sarah, what about the opportunity of equal pay? What about the opportunity of maintaining sovereignty over our own bodies? What about the opportunity of having health insurance-covered birth control?
Sarah, sweetie, you want me to respect your daughter’s right to make a private decision and choice for herself – at the inexperienced age of 17 — but you would deny women, married and unmarried, of any more mature age, under any circumstances, the equal right to make similar private decisions and choices for themselves.
“Every door of every opportunity?” More like “Every door of every opportunity that I decide should be open to you.”
You say, “I was just your average hockey mom and signed up for the PTA because I wanted to make my kids’ public education better.”
“My kids” – not all kids, not even your local community’s kids – just your kids.
I don’t fault you for working to insure the quality of education for your own child, but I wonder why you choose to fault Obama for working to insure the quality of life for other people’s children?
Geez, girl, try to be as smart as you are smart-ass.
Try to be a real woman’s candidate, Sarah – one with respect and compassion for people who try to do good in the world at every level.
Obama was a community organizer – serving and working on behalf of people who weren’t members of his immediate family. In other words – he was serving the American public, not his private family.
The community he was serving was comprised of white, Hispanic, and black working class folks who were facing economic calamity and social and individual breakdown in their blue-collar communities. Not his own family, not even specifically his own neighborhood.
Just his own countrymen.
I’ll take that record of service any day.
bravo. i really she believes she’s a self-serving bitch. vindictive, arrogant, phony. doodle got his face into a tub of margarine i left on the counter. his little black face and whiskers were off-white. pain in the ass, but oh so cute. i’m sure that’s what male palin supporters think of you. speak to you soon.
Very well said MC and I agree with most of what you said….but realize the race is Obama vs.McCain not Obama vs.Palin.I have to say though McCain is loving that all the away from him and the polls now say he is ahead.The debates will truly sway this election outcome and the public will clearly see which candidate is a true change agent for this country.Palin and Biden won’t even affect the outcome of this race unlike what many are saying at this time.
Perfectly said! Loved how you picked up on how self-serving she is, how limited her views are.