Double click on image to read why Obama’s tax approach makes more sense for most Americans.

8 Responses

  1. I’ve been meaning to ask this question for some time and this seems to be a pretty good time. Do you love Obama more than you hate Sarah Palin??

  2. Let’s see, this is provided by the weekly “entertainment” insert to the local Sunday papers that informs us of the latest shennanigans of the stars and has articles on macro-degeneration and the miracle juice of the carrot that can maybe, possibly, hopefully cure it..

    Yeah, you really had to search very hard to find such an empirical authority on economics.

  3. You may want to read a bit more carefully as you consider the actual source of the material provided — not just the venue through which it is presented.

  4. I neither love Obama nor hate Palin. Neither deserves the heights of my passions. But they both have my respect — Obama for reasons heretofore stated and Palin — for the simple reason that I respect most people — even the ones I disagree with.

  5. “You may want to read a bit more carefully as you consider the actual source of the material provided — not just the venue through which it is presented.” That would be the reputable Tax Policy Center.. Correct ?

    ‘Been there, done that.

    My point is, you scanned a Sunday paper insert that is sophmoric in that it is cartoonish in concept designed to target the ignorant and uneducated rather than present us with the real source information in an adult venue.

    I think you can do better. I think you should crunch the numbers yourself before presenting them at face value rather than of another’s analysis. You will find that nobody without an advanced degree in Macro Economics is capable of, and I’m not sure anyone qualified outside their offices has. Least of all, a journalist for a Sunday insert.

  6. Well it is Sunday and rumor has ir there’s a new fun fact in this weeks Parade Magazine with respect to the upcoming election……….Moose and squirrel

  7. Had my car window smashed this weekend was it my award winning personality or the McCain Palin Sticker………….you make the call