When asked tonight on 60 Minutes if Sarah Palin was really ready to be President — not Vice President — but President — McCain said, “Absolutely.” Then he added for emphasis, “Absolutely, absolutely.”

So, what is she, triply ready, there, Mac? Palin’s not even half ready. McCain knows that. The American people know that. Palin probably knows it.

If you want to look at it historically — just consider this: Of the 43 presidents we’ve had, 25 were lawyers or had studied law to a significant degree. Twenty-six presidents served in Congress (the House of Representatives or the Senate) prior to running the country as president.

Yes, thirteen presidents were governors first. But eight of those governors were lawyers first.

So, which prerequisites are most fundamental and historical in preparing an individual for the presidency?

A law background and service in one of the two houses of Congress.

Remind you of anyone?

And yes, we’ve had five presidents who were governors but not lawyers — Bush being the most recent and dismal example of that level of “executive experience.”

Reagan was another — an actor. Maybe Arnold will be next?

Carter was an anomaly. Teddy Roosevelt had military training, and Harrison had served in Congress.

Clearly, the path to presidency is about more than being a governor.

It’s one thing for McCain to select Palin as his VP — that’s pushing it, though, given his age and health and apparent vitality. But to suggest that she’s ready RIGHT NOW to be president? That’s just abso-f’n-lutely nuts.

8 Responses

  1. I saw it too MC and really it is a joke but what did you expect him to say “nah but she will be”….Arnold can’t be thank goodness because he was not born in the United States Whew……Sarah was a brilliant pick at the time and we all know the reasons…. but now her star has fallen fast and joins silent Biden as non entities.Stay tuned “Ill be back”

  2. Actually, she looks more capable and has more experience at “Governing” than any of the candidates of both sides of the fence.

  3. Before responding directly to you and the Snowman (I’d include Fredo but he made sense below and didn’t jump on the Barry buss). Try to honestly and objectively and answer these questions

    1. Does Sara Palin as a City Councilor (92-96) , Mayor (99-04)and a Governor (04-present) of a State with 660,000 residents does this experience qualify her to be a VP ?

    2. Does Barry Obama as a Illinois legislator (97-04) and U.S. Senator (04-Present) have the experience to be President?

    Twenty-five words or less neatness counts or at the very least a yes or no to each question. Or a simple no or yes no need to muddy the water with Democratic nonsense

    Game On:

    Steve the Snowman and MC2 the both of you need to take a tour of civics class to include U.S. politics. Why are you both so shocked to hear a Presidential candidate say his VP candidate is ready to be President. The Democrats said Barry is ready to be President of the United Stats,

    This impending death thing is a tired old argument. John McCain will be around a long time. Fact; his mom is well into her 90’s that should count for something. Remember the apple not falling far from the tree thing.

    Again this death wish the Dems have much ado about nothing if you ask me. History lesson: Harry Truman a U.S. Senator, the guys who brokered him into the VP job 9not their original choice) were individuals other than FDR who replaced the incumbent VP and picked Truman. They also knew FDR was of ill health and would not survive a third term. Truman who if you have forgotten a Democrat who ended the WWII dropping the A bombs. Lots of courage grit and determination. (I can’t even drop an F bomb given the out right lack of objectivity) Another Teddy Roosevelt great President a reformer (ouch) trust buster just ask Standard Oil and the Rockerfellers. LBJ civil rights, Medicare/Medicaid. Enough said about individual americans taking a VP slot becoming the VP via the death of the President and doing a hell of a job, I left out a few Coolidge, Johnson, Ford. Most if not all of the VPs that ascended to the presidency did a damn good job

    Here’s the punch line; I’m glad you two brain surgeons aren’t working at Sarasota Memorial because you both don’t have the courage or honesty to give your candidate a urine test let along a litmus test. Try holding him to the same standards you complain and carp that Palin does not possess the qualifications.

    But double standards are what your party was founded upon. Have you forgotten Barry’s qualifications to be the Democratic nominee….a long time community organizer and U.S. Senator for 4 years (18 months of which he ran to become the Democrat’s nominee for President). Where’s your outrage now boys and girls, where is it??

    I can’t evaluate Barry until I hear all about his economic package.

    I’m still trying to understand how he intends to cut taxes for 95% of Americans when 40% of Americans don’t pay taxes. According to his webb site tax credits are the way to go in the range of $500 to $1000. Wasn’t too long ago that everyone at Sarasota Memorial was carping about GWB’s economic stimulus checks wouldn’t do much not enough dough. Hey Snowman who’s copying who now ? The big questions is why is it ONLY right when it’s done by a Democrat??

    He’s received $500,000 in campaign contributions from Freddy Mac, Fannie Mae and Lehman’s, maybe Barry’s just waiting for them to finish Barry’s so called economic plan.

    Snowman grab hold of your situation and control the “she’s hot” comments. Bub myopic and horny is no way to go through life. take the Vette out for a spin (It’s metaphor time Snowy)

    Do I think Sara Palin will make a good VP yes I do and right now that’s all she’s being counted on to do. If she were to ascend I’m sure things would be fine. Unlike you guys I believe optimistically that we as in USA always find a way. I await your answers to questions 1 and 2 but now……………..

    I got to go, I’m late for a job interview at NASA

  4. Here he is back in business.Nice to see you are not tired Hostage and delivered another sane rant.First you didn’t even get about my response(joke) to Perkins as Sarah is hot.Since he always said that about MC I said it about her..Dig?…..I am also glad to see someone else make typos like me.
    I hope Johnny lives long as I wish no one an early demise.It is ridiculous when I hear people say that but his mother never had the cancer he had and all the torture etc but I wish him well.
    You know I volunteered at Sarasota Hospital and they threw me out..Now I know why…..I did many urine tests too and that was just on the docs but what can I say..
    You can’t evaluate Barry???Whaaattt?That’s all you do based on media nonsense.I told you the debates will be more than a soundbite now..Watch and learn something Blue State Special.
    By the way I sold the Vette last year.Now I have an Element Yikes…
    We sure hope NASA selects you for a job and a one way ticket to Mars……Save a seat for Johnny and Sarah as they will have nothing to do after the election.

  5. Snowblower:


    1. Does Sara Palin as a City Councilor (92-96) , Mayor (99-04)and a Governor (04-present) of a State with 660,000 residents does this experience qualify her to be a VP ?

    2. Does Barry Obama as a Illinois legislator (97-04) and U.S. Senator (04-Present) have the experience to be President?

    Twenty-five words or less neatness counts or at the very least a yes or no to each question. Or a simple no or yes no need to muddy the water with Democratic nonsense?

  6. Speaking of the media:

    On television today a Democratic spokesman pointed out that when Obama
    holds a rally 25-30,000 people show up, whereas when McCain holds one he
    only draws 10-15,000.

    The Republican spokesman replied, “That’s because McCain’s supporters are
    at work.”

  7. Yes…Yes Now that is a good media answer….Up early today Blue State Special?..How did the NASA interview go?I am pulling for you really….I heard Dick Morris is applying for the same job true?