Whoo hoo! My day just keeps getting better and better. I’m receiving an extravagant number of wonderful birthday messages from so many people. Call me goofy, but it makes me feel loved. And special. And all the things you should feel on your birthday.

Several people have sent the coolest electronic greetings — very cute and musical and fun to watch. Several emails from people who I have no idea how they even knew it was my birthday! (oh, um, maybe they read this blog where I’m yakking about it nonstop! :)). And one friend brought a beautiful flowering plant to me — a Star of Bethlehem. It’s gorgeous and I just hope I can keep it alive!

And then, the postman just arrived bringing several cards from far-flung friends who know my insatiable lust for snail mail … and my best friend from Boston sent me a package to open. Inside, of course, was the requisite card dissing me for being older than him (ah, grasshopper, you too, someday will reach my wise old age!), and a very cute must-have for my treasure trove of Obama history:

No way am I eating this Obama candy -- I expect the sale of this little keepsake to keep me alive in my dotage!
No way am I eating this Obama candy -- I expect the sale of this little keepsake to keep me alive in my dotage!

On top of it, my friend was so very sweet and thoughtful to make a small donation to All Faiths Food Bank in my name for my birthday. Now that’s a gift that keeps on giving.

Jiminy cricket. It’s only 2 pm — still plenty of daylight on my birthday! Outside a male cardinal is picking up little seeds and putting them into the mouth of his female partner. I think it’s a courting ritual.

2 Responses

  1. Hi Mary Catherine,

    Hope you had a great finish to your speacial day. As you probably know, you share this birthdate with Thomas Jefferson. Don’t know what to make of that, but I am sure you’ll figure something out.

    As for the gentleman who treated you to Beethoven’s 9th, that’s a VERY GOOD first step. Maybe there’s more in store for you. If he takes you to hear Dvorak’s Number 9, he’s a keeper. 😉