“Few Florida politicians have grabbed national attention as quickly and dramatically as freshman U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson.” Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Sunday Nov. 1, 2009, p.1.

Yep, Grayson was catapulted onto the national stage when he summed up the Republican’s Health Care Plan as 1) Don’t get sick 2) If you do get sick… 3) die quickly!

Guess you know where I’ll be on Sunday, December 6 … and it isn’t in church! Who knows? Maybe it should be … but instead I’m high-tailing it to the Democratic Club of Sarasota’s “Dinner for Progress” at Michael’s on East to hear national scene-stealer, U.S. Representative Alan Grayson ruffle feathers and enjoy just a smidgen of hyperbole with my dinner. A few weeks ago I was on Florida This Week trying to sound smart (ass) about Grayson and now I’ll have to see if he’s got the street cred to bring all that hot air down to earth. Hope to see you there — if you come, swing by my table and say hello to me! (P.S. if you do register, tell ’em MC sent you — that, and a near c-note, will get you in the door, meaning, basically, my name is mud without money! ;))

You can register relatively painlessly online — or take a look at the registration information below.

The Democratic Club of Sarasota and The Democratic Party of Sarasota County
invite you to A Dinner for Progress featuring Congressman Alan Grayson

Sunday, December 6, 2009
6:00 pm Social Hour • 7:00 pm Dinner
Michael’s On East
1212 East Avenue South, Sarasota
Other speakers include:
Democratic candidates for Florida Attorney General
Florida Senators Dave Aronberg and Dan Gelber,
and Florida Representative Keith Fitzgerald
$90 per person (in two checks*)
RSVP by December 1 For more information, call (941) 244-2266

The Democratic Club of Sarasota and The Democratic Party of Sarasota County
invite you to A Dinner for Progress featuring Congressman Alan Grayson
Sunday, December 6, 2009
6:00 pm Social Hour · 7:00 pm Dinner
Michael’s On East
1212 East Avenue South, Sarasota
Other speakers include:
Democratic candidates for Florida Attorney General
Florida Senators Dave Aronberg and Dan Gelber,
and Florida Representative Keith Fitzgerald
$90 per person (in two checks*)
For more information, call (941) 244-2266

9 Responses

  1. “$90 per person (in two checks*)”

    Why in two checks ? I suppose there is some rule that you, as an individual, can only pay up to $45.00 for one of these events.. Ahhh, I get it. This is how they get around that rule..


  2. Just go on his website for free MC and you will see the same rhetoric that you will be seeing in person. Use the $90 for some champagne and martini delights for the holidays!

  3. Oh, I can’t shell out $90! But I might be able to finagle a press pass by waving my best of blogger bona fides! 😉 I’m interested to see how he plays in a smaller audience. I may not like his rhetoric but I’m keenly interested in what happens to our health care system ….

  4. Why Two Checks?
    Current campaign finance laws severely limit the ability of the Democratic Club of Sarasota to
    raise or contribute money for political campaigns. We know you participate in the annual dinner of the Democratic Club of Sarasota because youwant to help Democratic candidates, so we are asking you to split the $90 dinner cost into two separate checks: one to cover the expenses of the dinner, and the other for the Democratic Party of Sarasota County.
    The Democratic Party of Sarasota County uses these funds to:
    ! Promote voter participation,
    ! Contact and encourage Democratic voters to get out to vote,
    ! Maintain and administer Party offices in the community, and
    ! Support the campaigns of Democratic candidates.

    The Democratic Party of Sarasota staff is entirely comprised of volunteers, so all funds go
    directly towards these critical efforts.

  5. Thanks for the explanation, J.! Actually, the explanation is right there on the http://www.sarasotadems.com website, but I neglected to pull that part of the information into my blog — appreciate the clarification.

    Okay, Steve and JW — we’ll see you there! Even if you’re not a Democrat … come to the meeting and learn why you should be 🙂 🙂

  6. I will be attending a show that day..Darn.:-(.I am open minded MC but for $90 I rather spend my money at another venue .Give us a full report,JP and I will be waiting with baited breath:-)

  7. “Current campaign finance laws severely limit the ability of the Democratic Club of Sarasota to
    raise or contribute money for political campaigns”

    Just as I suspected, getting around the rules, again.. Typical.

  8. JP, The local fundraisers we do are so much more than raising $$ for political campaigns. It is also a way for us to raise money in order to maintain a presence in our community as well as educating voters on issues that are affecting us locally. Typical but necessary.