As reported a few days ago, MC Reality readers — on this blog and in the Creative Loafing and Pelican Press newspapers — dug deep and donated $1,611 to All Faiths Food Bank in my third annual “MC Reality/All Faiths” fundraising drive.
Late yesterday I received a list of names of those contributors who wanted to be entered into the drawings — which were held today! Four names were selected and I’ve sent emails and a snail letter to those folks to offer them their choice of “thank you for contributing” give-aways — including a guest blog on MC Reality Online, copies of my book Sideways in Sarasota, or having me emcee an event, conduct a writing workshop, a free ad on my blog, or give a talk to a group or organization, within the Sarasota area.
Whether you wanted your name entered into the drawing or not — HUGE, BIG, GINORMOUS thank you for everyone’s contributions to this year’s drive!
I guess I will have to wait until next year for the blog party and John buying us drinks MC.Oh well……..Great job as always to a wonderful cause.
Steve says: “I guess I will have to wait until next year for the blog party and John buying us drinks ”
There’s a Blog Party ? I love Blog Parties.. I will even have my special blog attire cleaned and pressed.. Do we bring flowers or Grey Goose vodka for martinis ? Steve, I’ll bring the vodka, you bring the Godiva chocolate liquer to make chocolate martinis for M.C.
By the way, you done good Ms.Coolidge.. Very good..
Where and when Johnny P?I will be there no flowers just the GG .Also I will bring the Choc.liquer for MC no sweat.Perhaps on your boat would be a nice venue?I will give you gas money!