Tomorrow, Saturday, May 8, is the Letter Carriers Food Drive for All Faiths Food Bank. usps

If you live in the Sarasota area, you probably received some kind of card in your mailbox alerting you to this drive — so if you can, bundle up some non-perishables and leave them out by your mailbox for the postman (or woman) to pick up in the morning.

If you’re a regular reader, you know I’m a supporter of All Faiths Food Bank through my annual MC Reality reader fundraising drive — to date, I think we’ve collectively raised close to $11,000 in the four years four years we’ve done the drive.

And, if you’ve read my work, you know I’m a big fan of letters and the people who carry them to and from my door.

So, search your cupboards, and if you’ve got some food to spare — put it out and help feed those in need in our community