Hey — what do you think the burning issue is in Sarasota City/County this week? Sunshine shenanigans? The gazillion big-name locals who want to serve on the police advisory council? The fact that Abbott still hasn’t been kicked to the curb by Bartolotta (and why is that, do you think?)? Or is it the Martina Navratilova love triangle story (with money playing the third wheel). Or something else?

I’m looking for a “big story this week in Sarasota” hot topic for my Florida This Week television appearance tomorrow and thought my readers might want to weigh in … . So, if you have an idea or just want to give me food for thought — post something here by midnight tonight!

Yup– WEDU/PBS (Channel 3) has invited me back on to the political roundtable television show — Florida This Week. I’ll be taping the show up at the WEDU station tomorrow afternoon and then it airs on Friday night (October 9) at 8:30 p.m., and again on Sunday at 12:30 p.m.

The other guests panelists tomorrow night will be Scott Farrell, Host, The Farrell Files; Linda Saul-Sena (D), Tampa City Council; David Hurley (R) State Leadership Chairman, NFIB. And, um, me — cat-lover/cougar-debunker/writer-for-hire!

10 Responses

  1. I’ve created a new series called “Clocked Out” airing on YouTube the 15 and 30 of each month. It is SO fun. I’m not sure it fits your program but I wanted you to be among the first to know about it.


    Search YouTube: ggproductionsinc

  2. Okay, Miss Thang! I watched the video — everybody needs to check it out. It’s wicked funny! But, please Amanda and/or Amy — tell us — how do we VOTE FOR AMY AS THE NEXT BACHELORETTE? She would be excellent for any man except the knuckle-dragging neanderthal types. 😉

  3. Well, I’ll admit the Bahi Hut is big news in certain circles, like the 25th for the Alvarez in Palmetto a couple of years ago. But since this is a Florida show, I’d suggest the unending drought, this one hard on the heels of the last one. It’s a dry story if every there was one, but what happened to the “rainy season?” And thanks to El Nino, no hurricanes this year to pump up the reservoirs and recharge the groundwater. It is one of those “dog that didn’t bark” stories that we’ll hear about endlessly in February. s/Stan Zimmerman

  4. As usual, Stan the Man, you’ve pegged the right story. — a good one for a column, methinks. And, as usual, thanks for reading my little patch of reality. Hope to do you proud tomorrow night.

  5. Here’s the really, really big news.. Barack Hussein Obama, has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for being the cutest of the nominees.

  6. Steve — It went a bit better than last time — I’m hoping that I’m improving each time I appear. Thanks for the good wishes!