I’m the kind of person who LOVES her birthday. I plan for it weeks in advance, and usually like to celebrate with at least a full week of hanging out with friends and my Mum, getting together for a bite or drink or walk and talk. This year, my birthday seemed to last all month long — and just a couple of nights ago, two of the loveliest women I know in Sarasota took me out for dinner at Gateway to India where we had a nearly two-and-a-half-hour-long gabfest while munching on naan and devouring our delicious dinners.
And despite my pleas for no gifts, they arrived bearing live plants which I could not resist — a “lucky” bamboo” and a “ladyslipper” orchid — both seen in the photo below.
Actually, my luck is DOUBLED — because earlier, on my actual birthday, two OTHER friends took me out to lunch at Libby’s and one of them gave me a lucky bamboo too. I should have enough luck to last all year-long … as long as I can keep them alive. I don’t have the greenest of thumbs.
A very sweet neighbor brought over a delicious cupcake on the night of my birthday — she and her husband walked over with the cupcake and a single candle glowing, protected by their hands, which I promptly blew out and made a wish … no … I’m not telling … but I will tell you later this year if it comes true! My neighbor, probably because she sees (and hears) me constantly cooing to the bluejays and cardinals and woodpeckers and squirrels … made a donation to not just one, but two animal funds in my name. See the print-out images in the photo above? — that means my birthday will help some little dog and cat somewhere. Perfect! I thought that was awfully thoughtful of them.
I guess my friends really “get” me, because another good friend –from Boston — made a donation in my name to All Faiths Food Bank, and one of my closest girlfriends here in Sarasota “adopted” a penguin in my name at Mote Marine. Anyone who knows me, knows I’m not huge on “gifts” per se, but I do love gifts of “experience” — like I’d love to go zip-lining (hint, hint, for next year!) and especially appreciate donations to worthy causes and creatures! (Click on the image below to learn more about Mote’s penguin program, if you’re interested.)
My Mom is taking me on a trip this year for my birthday — to Charleston, we think — I’ve never been. And I received so many lovely birthday cards and good wishes. All told, it was a happy month of friendship, family, lots of life, and hopefully … laying the groundwork for a whole lotta luck coming my way!
And, one of the most fun aspects of my birthday month was that my closest friend, Brian, had twins — well, his wife had them — very near my actual birthday. Sweet gift to see my friend so happy.
You will love Charleston MC.Make sure you travel down the road about 30 miles to KIawah Island.You will love it.All the food in that area is great.
Glad you had a wonderful birthday.Mine was April 19 and at my age it is no big deal but spent an evening on the beach with wine and great food made by my wife.It was simple but memorable..
Continued good wishes for you in everything you do!
Steve — thanks for the info — I really appreciate travel tips and had not heard of KIawah Island. And, hey HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO!!!!
Hi Mary Catherine,
So, visiting the site of the beginning of the Civil War, er, sorry, War Between the States, at its sesquicenntenial? Hmmm…. 🙂
You’ll love Charleston. Lots of good restaurants, historic homes and yes, Fort Sumter. Glad you had a good B Day. Like Mr. Steve, at my age I don’t make too much fuss over mine – last Thursday, by the way.
I do like your “gifts in kind” idea. I’ll suggest that in the future.
What!!? Howard, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
Happy Belated Bday! Was my bday recently as well and I celebrated the entire week with walks on the beach every night. My gift to myself was a stand-up paddleboard lesson at Siesta Beach! AND 2 lovely women friends took me to GATEWAY also!
Happy belated birthday to you too, Maureen! I love how you celebrated — with walks and with paddleboard lesson. Did you love it? I’ve actually wanted to try that myself.
That’s too funny that you were taken to Gateway too! Must be the “Gateway for Girlfriends!”