OMG — I’m not usuall prone to using acronyms like that, but this newest twist in my never-ending fabulous birthday is so WICKED cool.

Look at this:

Can you see it? The back side of a little, well, not so little BOX TURTLE? I found him tonight on my property because there was a stray cat (yes, the same one that I posted earlier — who had been drinking from my bird bath) stalking something in the corner of the lot. I walked closer to try to get the cat to leave whatever it was alone — I figured, a lizard or possibly a snake. I was unprepared for a very cute box turtle, his extremities all tucked in. I shooed the cat away and ran into my house to grab my camera. By the time I got back, the turtle had already scooched into the brush into what I can only hope is a permanent home. I hope he lives here. I hope he’s a permanent resident. He’s adorable.

And, here’s a photo of Boomerang, the newest (a year and a half) addition to the Coolidge family; he’s seen here squirming in my arms before I gave him the rest of his tuna treat for dinner.

A fabulous, wonderful, marvelous birthday. Thanks to all the critters and people who made my day!

8 Responses

  1. What!!!!!???? Boomerang is a super sweetie. Not a malevolent bone in his precious little (actually quite big) body! That’s just a photographer screw-up (that would be me trying to take a self-portrait of me and Boomer), it made him nervous with the flash, etc.

    He’s a SWEETHEART!

  2. Oh, you guys are BAD!!! You are hurting little Boomer’s feelings and I don’t think you want to know what kind of revenge a Stephen King cat can seek and wreak!

  3. He is moving John and leaving Boomerang with Martina….Did you say a 32 in the glove compartment???I hope when you need a napkin you don’t wipe the mustard off with the wrong thing!

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