Reality Chick is back!!
Thanks — merci mille fois – grazie – danke, to every one who posted such supportive comments and shared their own stories in response to my recent op/ed piece in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune (to read it online just click here). I’ve heard from so many women — and several men, too — either on this blog, in direct emails, phone calls, comments in person, and in letters written to the editor of the newspaper. Thank you all for taking the time to contact me.

To read some of the comments readers have shared, click on this link here .

4 Responses

  1. Dear MC, I tried yesterday to email you, but that didn’t work. I am not very literate when it comes to using the computer.

    I just wanted to tell you that I think you are very courageous to write the article regarding abuse. I had some of the same experiences years ago in my marriage. I am very grateful I was able to get out of the situation (not without alot of time and money was spent on a divorce) and that I was able to support myself and my 2 sons.

    This is an ordeal I would not wish on my worst enemy.

    Again, thanks to you for addressing this awful issue. Dorothy

  2. Dorothy, thanks for trying to reach me; I didn’t receive an email, but do see your post here. Thank you for your kind words; I’m just sorry you had to go through such an experience. I appreciate hearing from you and wish you all best. MC

  3. Hey MC

    You and I have but shared a short period in life together, but as I see you now after all of these years, I realize you are such an important piece to life’s journey

    Let’s connect before its all over


  4. Thanks MCHugh — it was brief, but utterly memorable — enough for a lifetime. but you’re right … let’s connect before it’s all over. will find a way.