I appreciate the emails and blog comments wondering about the little kitty I found. Unfortunately, I don’t have great news yet. He’s still outside; I’m still feeding him and have put a blanket and basket out for him tonight. He’s very sweet and eats a TON of cat chow. I’ve given him water also. But, he won’t let me catch him. I wanted to take him to the Cat Depot (a no kill facility) where at least I knew he’d be safe and cared for … but I can’t catch the bugger. I tried and was nearly bitten for my efforts.
Nobody I’ve contacted seems to want him. Not sure what to do next … . It’s also creating a bit of havoc inside because my three cats know he’s out there and are a bit on edge and watch him through the windows and sniff at the door, etc.
I’m enough of a crazy cat woman with three.
#1 rule of survival
don’t get bitten by a feral cat unless your a fan of rabies shots
#2 Nature truly has an amazing way of sorting things out that belong or don’t belong in the wild
Come this morning or the next ,sadly enough kitty I suspect will not be on your property any longer
#3 the fact u care so much about animals
is a mitzvah , but you can only do so much.
Im sure animal services will get the cat.
Read Eric Ernst column
u right
no one has a good answer for these cats
goodluck MC
What’s the latest MC?
Hey Cat Woman
how’s Boots?
hope he made it through the weekend
perfect Sunday – I hope u didn’t give up on ur resolution
it’s only March
I guess that’s pretty good though,
all of the gym resolutioners quit in early Feb.
Waiting on your next great blog!