Coaching for Life Love Work

Super grateful and happy this November to be celebrating my FIVE YEAR anniversary as a working life coach! Yay! Helping others find clarity and move forward in their personal, professional, spiritual, and physical lives is pretty much the most meaningful and fun work I’ve ever done! A huge thank you to all the wonderful men […]

What a Great Horned Owl Can Teach Us

Lessons learned from a Great Horned Owl. Today I felt discouraged about life — not a typical emotion for me. Usually pretty upbeat, but today I felt off all day. Sad, to be honest. I came home at dusk, parked my car in my spot, and feeling a bit dejected, walked toward my building. Then […]

Are you ready to hear the song your bird-mate is singing?

We’ve had lovely nights these past couple of months; deliciously cool, and with the windows open, I’ve been transported by the night sounds that often go unheard in Florida thanks to the endless thrumming of air conditioners. I’ve heard raccoons rummaging, motorcycles revving at a distance, the low murmur of a couple taking a midnight […]

Two joyful ‘wHoops’ for Theresa Rose’s TEDxSarasota video

Wishing for “a life lived in the land of enough”? Yeah, me too. That’s why I encourage you to watch this very unique and gently inspiring video by Theresa Rose, who gave a talk in December at the TEDxSarasota event. Talking about her theory of joyful movement, struggles with body image, how to get unstuck […]

How I learned to ‘Get Things Done’

I’m usually a nose-to-the-grindstone kind of gal — I rarely take lunches out of the (home) office, tend to avoid schmooze fests (no matter how good for business they might be) and am usually too busy earning a living the hard way to take the time to learn how to earn a living the smart […]

Correcting our correctional system: The Dhamma Brothers

It sounds like a fictional scenario: Take a handful of prisoners locked away for life in a violent, maximum-security Alabama prison and guide them through a 10-day, 100-hour meditation odyssey. But as the trailer for the film based on the story shows, the tale is very real. It’s also incredibly gripping, a tough look at […]

Pelican Press alumnus launches new online Sarasota news outlet

It’s rare to report about a new publication opening up shop, but I’m happy to pass along the news: Former Pelican Press Editor Rachel Brown Hackney has launched a new electronic publication dedicated to all things local. The name? The Sarasota News Leader. Right now, it looks like your typical blog, but the long-term goal […]

UFood Grill gets a Forbes shout-out

Earlier this year, I told you about a rare stock market hunch I was acting on, investing in the healthy fast food chain UFood Grill, based in Boston. Well, not to toot my own horn, but Forbes just included the restaurant in a roundup of “10 Great Little Restaurant Chains You Haven’t Heard Of — Yet.” […]

Got news? MC is the new editor for BIZ (941) Daily

In 2011, BIZ 941 Magazine, the business sister magazine to Sarasota Magazine, asked me to edit news items for their daily e-newsletter that is read every day by thousands of Sarasota and Manatee County businesspeople. The newsletter is chock full of timely — sometimes breaking — news about local businesses, new businesses, unemployment and real […]