On Tuesday, February 22, 6:30 p.m., I’ll be giving a short talk at 1350 Main Street (Club Room — sixth floor) on “Civility in an Uncivil World.” It’s a good chance to openly dialogue on something we all seem to agree on — the need for more civility — but which we often find difficult to act on.
Come on down! Seriously!
This event is part of a cool, new “Wine, Cheese, and Politics” talk series sponsored by the Democratic Club of Sarasota, to encourage the exchange of ideas in a relaxed, casual, intellectually invigorating, and fun setting.
It’s a minimal cost to attend — $10 (the proceeds all go to the Dems), and reservations are encouraged by e-mailing rsvp@sarasotadems.com or calling 941-379-9233. Extra parking is available in the new Palm Avenue parking garage. Hope to see you there!
Mary, what time is the event?
The event begins at 6:30 p.m. C’ya there!
duh, thanks, Hawkeye! I’ll update the post to show the time!
p.s., you really live up to your nickname!
Mary, I shot off an e-mail to the address you posted, and would you believe, I received a response in less than 2 minutes!
Amazing, and say, I sincerely wish you the very best with your speaking engagement. I’m petrified speaking in front of the public and heard Toastmasters is a great club to join, to overcome your fears of public speaking.
Thanks for being interested in the talk, Hawkeye — thanks for registering and I’m glad that got back to you pronto. Having interested folks like you in the audience will make me less nervous! Look forward to seeing you there.
I really like the pic of you in black beside the podium.. Only, it would be more interesting if the sign on the podium stated, “Teaparty Club of Sarasota”.
John, I’d be really interested if there were a group titled; “We the people, for the people, by the people” and abolish all party affiliations and become a nation of “one”, undivided, spend less energy seeing who can critzize who more. Concentrate on getting this Country back on track…now, that would be a truly wonderful concept, wouldn’t it be?
By the way, I loved Enimem’s Detroit auto commercial: “Imported” – from Detroit! Very well put!
A one party system ? It’s been tried and does not work well.. A two party system has it’s inherent checks and balances.. Sometimes, the system as a whole leans to the left. Sometimes, to the right.
And sometimes, it gets it right.
John….seriously….has this country been on the right track, in the past 20 years? To be honest John, this country hasn’t been right since the mid-70’s…. John,for instance, take a good look at the current foreclosure crisis our country is facine. And John, I don’t buy into the; “It’s economics” crap…I truthfully believe, this was a carefully – thought-out, well orchrestrated plan.. and heavily won by the banks… John, this country has slipped the tracks since the early 70’s. Say, I highly recommend reading: “The creature from jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin… it will truly open your eyes, and your mind.
Well my man Hawkeye you make great points and we have discussed all these problems ad nauseam via personal e mail.You can’t convince JWP as his mind is on only one thing….JWP when has the govt.got it right?Reagan maybe?
MC I am still waiting to discuss all of these things in person plus drink some nice martinis.You will not pay a dime now start planning before I get too old to attend.:-)
How did your talk go?I am quite sure you were a star!!!!I heard all the firemen attended!True???
No firemen … but I got a sweet delivery of a firemen calendar!!! I’ll be posting a blog abotu that and the talk I gave a bit later … th anks for beign interested, Steve.
So, to put things back on track… How did your “talk” go ?