Want to find out what your dreams are telling you? Do you have a feeling your dreams are trying to tell you something but you don’t know what the message is? Let’s do a Dream Dive!

Old dreams, new dreams, recurring dreams — even daydreams — they’re all magnificent wellsprings of wisdom and clarity … if we’ll only pay attention.  I’m absolutely on fire about the potential of our dreams to give us crucial insights into our most intuitive understanding of ourselves and the world around us.  When we mine our stand-out dreams for the symbols that abound in them, we can gain amazing illumination into what’s really going on in our heads and hearts … and sometimes even in our own bodies.  Our dreams are potent resources that often can reveal things that we “know” on an instinctive level but perhaps aren’t aware of or aren’t paying attention to on any conscious level.

Dreams can offer some of the best input we’ll ever get about the questions, concerns, and decisions of our lives. Dreams allow us to receive ideas, guidance, and even direct messages about how we really feel about a situation or another person and provide us with intuitive understanding of the actions we need to be taking in our waking lives.

Want to find out what your dreams are telling you?

Hit me up for a Dream Dive — a typically 60-minute deep dive coaching session into one of your dreams.

Dream Dive is a new program I’m offering to celebrate my five-year anniversary of being a Certified Life Coach. I was certified in October 2014 and trained in dream analysis using the Martha Beck method. I’ve used the Beck method ever since with myself and my clients to gain pretty stunning insights, inspiration, and fairly explicit messages from the wisdom of the subconscious mind.

One goal of my anniversary celebration is to introduce more people to the support and empowerment they can gain through coaching — and with the Dream Dive, in particular in accessing the personal power of their dreams. That’s why I’m making the dream dive sessions SUPER affordable at the rollout rate of just $30 per session.

Sign up for your Dream Dive at the link below, being sure to leave your phone or email address so I can contact you to schedule our session.