Sunday night. Sitting outside in the heat — beginning to abate somewhat. The heat that is. Me? I’m not abating at all. Waiting? Maybe. For something I’m not sure.

In the meantime, I have squirrels squirreling around. Coming closer for nuts. Closer, then rushing away. Closer, then running. Isn’t that the way life is. The way we all are?

Bromeliads are blooming. And I feel good. The heat. The singular beauty in front of me. The rodents at my feet. Boomer is at the window, licking his chops and wondering why I’m fraternizing with the enemy.

Friday night were the Perseids. I was watching around 4 a.m., from inside this time. Prone on my couch, the cool leather giving a reprieve to my skin. Looking out the tall windows toward the sky. The moon, on the other side of the horizon from when I saw it around 11 pm, subdued by the clouds but still illuminating … everything: my car in the drive, the shrubs, glinting off the bird bath.

Meteors flashing across a Sturgeon Moon sky.

I couldn’t see a one. But I knew they were there. Flying by on their way to somewhere. Whipping by in all their immediacy. Their urgency.

Make a wish. Quick. All the more reason if you can’t see them.

43 Responses

  1. Wonderful mood piece, MJ. Love it and the photos. I have the same bromeliads blooming in my backyard.

  2. I like it too, Scott. I would rather write “off-topic” than on. And hope to do more of that in the days ahead. Of course, “off” doesn’t pay the bills like “on” does! 🙂 Thanks very much for reading!!

  3. Scott….. courageous is a great term to describe one of Mary’s considerable assets… but to me is surely an understatment. How many great columnists these days, you are aware of, who would put their job on the line, by not compromising their values and morals, but instead by writes what she truly feels? Well, Mary sure did, and lost her job because of it. But, she sure as heck didn’t sell out herself, nor her readers. I’ve nothing but the highest respect for people who refuse to sell out, all in the name of $$$

  4. Say Scott, while I’m not sure if you’ve had a chance to read Mary’s book: “Sideway’s in Sarasota”, and if you haven’t, I highly recommend it. If you truly like it when Mary writes: “off-topic”, the stories contained in the book would really score with ya. One of the books I’ll go back and read time and time again….

  5. Dan is not so sweet MC.Scott is really JWP in disguise.How is running going?I keep looking for you by Point of Rocks.Hope all is well:-)

  6. Can’t help you on that one Dan not sure what it means.I know Dan Blocker”Hoss”on Bonanza but an Author Blocker??Oh I did hear that Stephen King played for your Lions on the Offensive Line so maybe that is what it means?

  7. M.C., have you heard of an Author Blocker?

    Scott; here are just a couple of my favorites in the book:

    And Scott, I swear, if you’ve not read the entire book, I highly recommend it, not just because of my admiration to Mary, sho I personaly feel is an outstanding writer, but the stories…well, let’s just say after reading them, you’ll refer to them time and time again, much in the way I do by reading “Redemption Song”….superb writing and a great message!

  8. I canbe very original. To get me has been phrased, to speak Scottish. When I’m in Sarasota I’ll buy a copy at the previously mentionioned bookstore. Maybe it is possible for them to have a special copy in reserve signed to me, and accompanied with a signed glossy 8 x 10? Ya know, for a bookmarker? Hmm

  9. Steve….ypu’re right my friend…it has to be John…the infamous; Mr. Perkins…. asking for an 8 X 10 glossy….hmmmm..yep, ok..

  10. Scott my friend, you’re a genius and very well just may be on to something…. with every paid and signed book by MC, the buyer would receive an autographed 8 X 10…. Mary…what ya think… ?

    Steve, you in?

  11. Steve….no worries, I’d rather be called a maroon than a moron…

    Life is good….

    Mary, you have two photos on order there girl…..

  12. Listen you two maroons calm down.Gee you want Mary to have a kissing booth too when she does her book signing?Sorry MC for their behavior.I have at least some kind of class even though it is low:-)

  13. Ummm…Steve, you’re talking about Mary…the M.C. I know there’s not one of us, that she doesn’t see through….ha! She know’s were perfect gentlemen… 🙂

  14. Steve, I can just see my Christmas Card now from MC…a pic of her & her cats in front of her tree…

  15. At least you will get a card.Last year she sent me a lump of coal and a parking ticket she couldn’t talk her way out of in court.What a girl….

  16. You know Steve….. I truly consider reading M.C’s blog as a form of a gift that keeps giving…I mean, 365 days a year, I can come to Mary’s blog to see the most current events as written by one of Sarasota’s finest young aspiring writers…. so, I truly consider Mary’s blog as a gift – 365 days a year….

  17. alright, alright. i can take a hint! i’m not blogging enough. but i’m getting ready to launch something NEW … and it’s been chewing up all my time!

    Stay tuned.

  18. Man Dan you are really kissing some touchas:-)I know what you mean I am empty all day long when MC doesn’t write in her blog but I know her new book will be out soon and there will be a party to follow.
    Chewing up your time MC?No wonder I don’t see you when I run 6 days a week.This better be good:-)
    I am staying tuned and I know Dan checks your blog every second of the day .As Bart Scott of the Jets said last year”Can’t Wait”

  19. Mary’s launching something new? Oh man…. Steve, I’ve a feeling it’s going to be worth the wait. hmmmmm…can ya offer a clue…. sylable? Steve, help me on this…say Steve, you notice, we’re the only one’s blogging….

  20. Steve and Daniel sittin in a tree
    Gushing all over author M.C.
    First comes inthrall , then comes disparage
    And then comes some homers with an online marriage!

  21. Yes I do Dan and we sound like a couple of maroons.Quiet Scott V you are no better and fyi Dan and I are happily married.

  22. Steve…… ?

    M.C., I’m behaving myself….just sitting here, reading your recent post… behaving….

  23. I don’t know Dan, I am just an old man trying to get by…Woe is me……………………I have enough trouble trying to keep my testicles off the sand when I run!