Tebrugge addresses the capacity crowd at a meeting held in February at the Church of the Redeemer in Sarasota.
Tebrugge addresses the capacity crowd at a meeting held in February at the Church of the Redeemer in Sarasota.
Adam Tebrugge is going to be talking about the Ten Year Plan to Prevent & End Homelessness in Sarasota County this Saturday — July 9th — at the Sarasota Yacht Club during a noon luncheon meeting of the Democratic Club of Sarasota.

The folks getting behind this ten-year plan are motivated and passionate about solving the problem of

Crowd at February meeting.
Crowd at February meeting.
homelessness in our community.

To get more info about the event, see lunch options, and register, visit the Dems website.

(Photos courtesy of Ringling College student Karen Arango — visit www.karenarango.wordpress.com for more images and to learn more about her photography.)

2 Responses

  1. Thanks MC–your support re issues that are so important in SRQ is invaluable. Thanks for all YOU do in the community.