No, I’m not channeling that long-ago tennis match between Billy Jean King and Bobby Riggs … just announcing today’s Sense and the City topic: Women’s Equity Day, which is next Thursday. You can read it in today’s Sarasota Herald-Tribune TICKET or just click here: Do Women Really Need an Equity Day?.

Feel free to come back here to MC Reality Online and debate the topic!

2 Responses

  1. M.C. This column is way over due…
    I’ll sum up the piece in the Ticket by providing one of my favorite quotes of Margaret Thatcher’s:

    “If you want something said, ask a man…if you want something done, ask a woman.”
    – Margaret Thatcher

    Also, I’ll never forget the plaque on the wall of my dentist’s (“Ms”. Ann Collins) office; “Don’t tell your daughter to marry a dentist when she grows up – tell her to become one!”

    This was back in the mid-70’s and been a huge pro-active, Women’s Rights advocator since.

    An equal pay for equal work bill is so over due!