Windows wide open.

Old music playing — the kind that just makes you feel good — Brown-eyed Girl; the Doors; G-L-O-R-I-A — and then some silly songs from the eighties and early 90s — stuff you can’t even believe they recorded — Addicted to Love?

But the cats love it (and I’m dancing in my chair wrapping up my billing for the day) — they’re running like their little back legs are roller skates — nearly flying through the house, up and over furniture, through the opening in the bookshelf, out the patio door, then back again, sometimes pausing to look at me from the hallway — trying, like cats do, to encourage me to get up and do something — like chase them.

Life feels enormously good tonight … the weather alone can transport you, can’t it?

Happy Thursday night of crisp, cool, air … and did you see the meteors last night?