Jiminy Cricket! Day four of my FANY (Fun Ambitions for New Year) resolution and I’m in loser-ville! Sheesh. I REALLY thought this thing was going to be a slam dunk. Much easier than losing the 20 pounds I think I should lose (which is more like 40 pounds if you put stock in the words of one of my conservative critics, read here if you want to know what I mean).

So, yesterday, I spent most of the day researching for a column I’m working on — and then suddenly around 6 pm realized “Hell, I haven’t had ANY fun today!” Which isn’t entirely true, because seriously I get a kick out of watching the birds in the backyard.

But I’m looking for a whole new level of fun for 2010 and bird-watching, as lovely as it is, is not feeling the fun factor for this resolution I’ve made.

So, I wrapped up my research efforts and did a few end-of-day things, then … okay, this may not sound like a TON of fun, but it was at least a respite and a mind-relaxer and something I don’t often do.

My fun for yesterday was to buy six magazines that have to do with house design and decor and then plop down on the couch and go through them one by one, ripping out things I like, and fantasizing about the house I’m dreaming of building. Oh, and I had a Hershey’s bar (with almonds — whoo hoo!) and a glass of red wine while performing said fantasizing.

Yes, I know. I am living large indeed.

6 Responses

  1. As I said MC the simple things in life bring happiness and fun.When you look back at each day I am quite sure, when you break it down in simplistic terms, you will see the joys of the day without having to do so much planning.If not then make it happen and seize the day!

  2. Wow, u r in serious trouble!!!Bird watching, magazine reading ,Hershey chocolate with almonds

    Try watching the Birdmen on You-tube
    these guys jump off of cliffs and fly in a suit
    they say it is completely exhilerating
    Maybe u should try a tantem skydiving jump to start the new year
    even George Bush Sr did that
    he’s 80

    don’t give up on the dog idea either

  3. Hey MC! Glad to see that you are staying dedicated to having fun, no matter the cost. I had a few comments after reading your blogs:

    1) Shame on your massage therapist for yakking while giving you your session! That is a big, fat NO-NO and is a major buzz-kill for all bodywork clients. Yet, we are always so reticent to bring it up. I’m a former massage therapist myself, and I hate having to say, “Umm, would you mind cutting the chitchat so I can enjoy my $70 foot rub in peace?”

    2) Re: the obnoxious comment from the conservative about revising your weight loss goals…Bear in mind that men with small penises are also known to have chronic nearsightedness. I’m just sayin’.

    Keep having fun, and keep sharing the stories with your devoted fans!



  4. Theresa, you are so correct > 2) Re: the obnoxious comment from the conservative about revising your weight loss goals…Bear in mind that men with small penises are also known to have chronic nearsightedness. I’m just sayin’.

    The very best of health and happiness for the coming year!
