I did manage to have some fun in February … to wit:
I spent one afternoon at my Mom’s house — clearing an area of weeds and vines, laying down a supposedly-weed/grass-stopping fabric, and then topping it with pretty stones (gravel) I’d bought for her as one of her Christmas presents. It wasn’t really hard work, and it was actually fun. I find it really gratifying to work on a project and complete it and I especially enjoy improving home and yard … even though in this case, it was my Mum’s. Wish I’d taken a picture of the before … but at least here’s one of the after.
A few days later, if you were reading my blog,
you read about the fun I had on Super Bowl Sunday … . where my rhapsodic postings were only slightly alcohol-driven and probably more lust-driven than they should have been. (Hey, I’m human!)
Two days later, I had a bundle of fun writing letters … yup, that’s me, slightly louche one day; old-fashioned letter-lover the next.
The next bit of fun came on Valentine’s Day, when I was wooed and wined over dinner. Um, that’s it for the dish on that particular bit o’ fun.
A week later, I met my good friend Kim Cartlidge (geez, hope she doesn’t mind appearing on my blog!) for drinks and a real girl gabfest. It was a chilly night, but intrepid funsters that we are, we sat outside in the brisk air, conveniently near a heat lamp. It was one of those gabfests that cement friendships and even when the topics were occasionally heavy, we laughed an awful lot. If you don’t know her work already, you can get a glimpse at her Sarasota Magazine blog by clicking here.
So, okay, not 28 days of fun — but in a crazy-busy month, I did take some time to stop and have some fun … and more importantly, I’ve already planned and confirmed six bona fide fun events for April (my birthday month).
But that still leaves me with March … so guess I better get busy and finagle some fun.
April Bday as well!!!!
Significant or insignificant year???
they’re all significant for me. i’m a huge birthday baby — i used to celebrate for one week and now celebrate for the entire month. when i hit a REALLY significant one, maybe i’ll do an entire year…..
That is too funny
After I turned forty I started celebrating the whole month as well.
Everyone in my office knows come April 1
It’s Happy Birthmonth!!!!!!
I’ll let you all in on a little secret, I was also born in April..
I usually celebrate it by buying myself a condo, a boat, or a hot fudge banana split sundae with whipped cream..
Most years, I go with the Sundae..
Hey MC. Just talked to someone today who’s getting ready to celebrate his 32nd anniversary of turning 40! He said he figures he deserves a day of celebration for every year of life…not a bad philosophy.
I like the stone area you did for your mom. I’m sure she does, too! Glad you posted the photo.
i like the way your acquaintance is t hinking! thanks for visiting my little blog, Susan….. appreciate it and always good to hear from you. hope all is going well in your world!