Holy cow. Yesterday (day four of FANY), I planned a “fun” event and boy, did it deliver! May not sound like fireworks to some of you globe-trotting, gala-going, grand-meisters of fun, but I had an actual blast … for about 20 minutes. And that felt great.

I went on a bike ride around 4:45 p.m. It was pretty cold but within seconds of being bike-born, I was grinning like a fool, spreading my arms out on either side and yelling “This is FUN!”

I rode to a nearby city park and grabbed the crackers I’d stuffed in the top of my three-layer get-up and meant to feed the ducks … ducks

… but instead was cornered within an inch of my life by a flock of ibis. ibis

They drove off the bigger ducks and started making something like a honking noise. They were adorable and snipey and made me smile. I felt genuinely happy to be surrounded by the little curved-beak hooligans. My favorites were the immature teenager ibis that weren’t white yet. baby-ibis

I passed lots of cute dogs in sweaters and lots of dogs not in sweaters and commented on them all as I rode by. I saw a very cute dog ahead — a larger dog and I yelled out “There’s a cutie pie!” and only after I rode by did it occur to me to wonder if the man walking the dog might have thought I was referring to him instead of his dog! 😉

Then I continued on my way around the winding paved path, intermittently yelling at the ducks and ibis who got in my way “Faites attention mes precieux!” And then later, “Je vie!” “Je m’amuse!” at the top of my lungs, no less.

I’m sure the dog walkers and exercisers all thought I was nuts. But I was having a LOAD OF FUN.

Color me happy (and maybe a little crazy).

5 Responses

  1. I told u dogs maybe the answer!!!!
    Just think how much fun u could have dressing up a dog of ur own
    More than that , u may meet that cute “dog”
    on ur ride
    glad u had fun albeit short

  2. Ah, one-eyed dick, les canards parle bien le francais. French is the universal language of not just amour, but of all manner of fowl, friend, foe, fantasy, and fool. And I’m fool enough to know so. Thanks for reading … and commenting.

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