Looks like Republican Doug Holder will have some competition in November. Savvy politico Nancy Feehan has thrown her hat into the ring, officially filing today for the race for State Representative, District 70.

From the cheap seats, it’s looking like a no-brainer for voters south of Bee Ridge Road in Sarasota, stretching all the way down to the Charlotte County line. Holder voted last year for legislation that would allow oil drilling as close as three miles to the area’s beaches – I think it includes Siesta Key, Casey Key and others.

Bad enough that he voted for near-shore drilling, but what really got me was that (according to the Sarasota Herald Tribune) Holder said he only voted that way because he knew the legislation wouldn’t pass but he wanted to “open the discussion.” To me that’s pretty astounding – voting for something you don’t believe in because you’re pretty sure it won’t pass? That’s the kind of clarity, consistency, and protection I want in a State Rep for sure. NOT.

Feehan lives in Osprey, and if elected, would be representing more coastline in Sarasota County than anyone else in the House. I’ll have to find out where she stands on the issue. Stay tuned.

6 Responses

  1. Thanks for commenting, Adam. I’m pretty sure I was watching you on television today with all that Tea Party candidate brouhaha. You were in the sweet seats up front. Let’s get Nancy elected! 🙂

  2. Nancy made an appearance at the Congressional candidate forum put on by the Florida Veterans for Common Sense last night 6/17/10. I didn’t get an opportunity to speak with her, but she certainly has that winning aura around her. I was unquestionable drawn to her and I look forward to supporting her candidacy, especially as she took time to attend a veterans forum. Hopefully the Democratic Veterans Caucus of Florida will have an opportunity to discuss more issues with her in the near future.

    If she reads this: stop by http://www.fldemvets.org and create a profile in our Veterans, Friends, and Family Coffee Shop which is our own social network (small but growing – only two months old). We’ll even create a special group for her.

  3. William — thanks for visiting my blog and for commenting on this story. I appreciate the link to the Florida Democratic Vets Caucus as well. All best, MC

  4. Nancy Feehan has come along with common sense to be our voice in the Florida House. She opposes near-shore drilling and supports protecting our teachers and students. The future looks bright with Feehan representing us.

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog, Suzette — and for sharing your thoughts. It does certainly seem like Feehan is picking up momentum — and in my opinion that’s a very good thing!