I’m flabbergasted, honored, and a bit humbled to have been invited to appear on Florida This Week — the weekly news television program, hosted by Rob Lorei. It’s a “Meet the Press” kind of format — but for West Central Florida issues, of course.

The program appears on West Central Florida’s PBS Station (Channel 3 for folks here in Sarasota). I’m taping the program this Friday afternoon in Tampa and it airs that same night (Friday the 13th — egads!) at 8:30 p.m., and then again on Sunday at 12:30 p.m.

I say I’m a bit humbled because, well, the show is a longtime favorite of mine that has kept me company during all the long Friday nights at home alone, and I was always mightily impressed with the lineup of panelists — smart, so informed, and usually with bona fides that far, far outweigh yours truly. On the other hand, I’m happy to see that mainstream media is interested in a more or less alternative media opinion person (aka a blogger!), and do see their kind invitation as indicative of a growing willingness for big media to partner with the blogosphere in constructive ways that might expand the discourse for news readers/watchers.

I’m hoping, of course, that I don’t bungle my thoughts and jumble my words. Good grief — it’s great exposure and I can’t afford to have a brain freeze on camera! I’m also hoping vainly — and yes, I mean that both ways — that I won’t look like some mini version of a Michelin Tire woman up there on screen. (They say the camera adds 10 pounds, but I think that’s a crock — if the extra 10 pounds are there, they’ll show. Um, so, how can I lose 10 pounds by tomorrow!?)

This is my typical disheveled, overly-eager look.  Think I can straighten up and fly right by Friday?
This is my typical disheveled, overly-eager look. Think I can straighten up and fly right by Friday?

Ah, vanity, thy name is MC.

Anyway, as usual, I’m mixing up my serious stuff with the silly and gee wilikers, why not. Life’s too short for anything else. Just hope they don’t mind the fart cushion and silly string I’m bringing on set.

Anyway, I believe they usually post the programs (after airing) on their website for viewing as well … for anyone who misses it or any out of area viewers, you may be able to catch it at http://www.wedu.org/ftw/. I’m just not sure when they actually post — could be that same day or a few days later.

P.S. wish me luck, but don’t tell me to break a leg … I might take you seriously!

27 Responses

  1. Also, congrats… I have found that a martini just before showtime does wonders to calm the nerves and improve eloquence.

  2. Overly Eager never looked so good. Not even with a new haircut and scrubbed overalls or new overalls and scrubbed hair, like old flames, he’d never hold a candle to you.
    Have a blast, as we all know you will. You’re a natural.

  3. Well, John Gary, I’ll take you at your word, but I think the old-fashioned bobby pin in my hair relegates me to the eternally un-chic closet! 😉 Thanks for reading — and posting a comment!

  4. MC…Interesting…get in touch with me,and I will help you out…I own a number of television stations and can guide you through the process.

  5. Looking forward to watching your “Florida This Week” debut ! Wishing you the very best on your big day.

  6. Hey Mary Catherine,

    As we say in the midwest, mazel tov! I look forward to seeing you via the Internet.

    If you’d like, I can Fed Ex a few scrunchies to your for your sartorial splendor. 🙂

  7. Hi Mary Catherine:

    I plan on watching Florida This Week. I am still not happy with the Pelican Press for listening to a few noisy loudmouths and depriving your readers of the chance to hear your very “common sense” views.

    Thanks MC Coolidge.

    Shelagh Wakeford

  8. Thanks for such a nice note, Shelagh. I appreciate you watching — and hope I don’t disappoint. Thanks also for reading the blog. I wish I was still at PP (or someplace in print) sharing my views … even the not so common sense ones. Thanks for your note.

  9. Goodness. I think I”m pretty lucky to have all these great well-wishers leaving notes for me. I REALLY appreciate it. Keep thinking I’m too “small-fry” to be on Florida This Week, but you know, heck, maybe they need a small fry every now and then.

    Thanks EVERYONE for your nice notes of support.

  10. Dear MC, Let the cream rise to the top! Great opportunity to show your stuff. The guests are usually fascinating, and you will be also. Good luck! I too still knock the Pelican for dropping my favorite columnist. Can’t wait to see you in person!


  11. Well, the taping is behind you and I hope you are at happy hour celebrating! I truly hope you enjoyed every minute of this “special day”…..