Yesterday, I buzzed through my client work in the morning so that I’d have a clean, clear eight hours to conceive and write an essay for the Sarasota Herald Tribune to consider. By 11:30 am, I started writing and really didn’t come up for air until after 6 p.m. Then, I had to run over to my Mom’s for awhile. By the time I made it back home, I realized I’d once again forgotten my “FANY” resolution. Where was the fun?

I ate dinner, finished up some client work and by the time I had time for fun it was already 10 p.m.! But in truth, writing like I did yesterday is actually fun. A perverse, brain-wracking, mentally exhausting, kind of fun … especially when on deadline .. but still, a definite kind of fun.

Still, writing is my work so it couldn’t be allowed to qualify as fun for yesterday and to keep my resolution I had to come up with some fun before midnight.

And I did the best I could — I had bought a new calendar for 2010 — and specifically selected one that would remind me to have fun and celebrate life and each month — cover

and so last night I reviewed my 2009 calendar (which brought back more memories than I’d remembered of fun I actually DID have in 2009) and filled in my new calendar with dates to look forward to — birthdays, other special days that I like to celebrate for one reason or another, oh, and cat birthdays of course ;. Filling out my calendar also motivated me to think about the fun I want to create in 2010.

I created a large poster-size list of all the fun things I could think of — everything from kayaking to traveling to Paris to go-cart racing to having a night of Trivial Pursuit and Cocktails with as many smart, martini-loving friends as I can round up (um, all of my friends are smart and martini-loving, naturally!). The list has only 39 items on it right now — and that’s only like a month of FUN!

What I REALLY want to try is the Florida Zip Line Glide Eco Adventure.

Okay, well, my calendar is ready … guess I better start actually making dates to make these things happen.


6 Responses

  1. John and I will be over for Trivial Pursuit and martinis MC.I will be the chaperone.Always remember the beach too for some simple fun or relaxation!

  2. Beach is always restful, inspiring, and sometimes fun — but I’ve been there, done that and am on the prowl for adventure and new experiences that I didn’t do last year, ever, or at least in a very long time!

  3. U r definately an inspiration to those of us living ur fun vicariously!
    The zipline actually sounds great
    kayaking in Jan with temps in the 50s
    -much less fun,especially if u happen to go swimming
    keep to ur resolutions for the sake of all of us hamsters
    spinning the wheel

  4. “Okay, well, my calendar is ready … guess I better start actually making dates to make these things happen.”

    Why don’t you pencil in my name for February 14th ?