What’s black and white and read all over? I sure HOPE it’s my new column!
After something like two and a half years — TWO AND A HALF YEARS, folks! — I’ve finally landed a regular print gig again. I can’t believe it. But here’s the proof: Heat Bomb to Explode in Sarasota
Yes, folks, the Sarasota Herald Tribune has asked me to contribute a weekly column for its TICKET section — and I’ve happily agreed to do so. My first column appears in today’s paper, TICKET section, page 7E. I’m calling the column “After Hours” and it’s basically going to cover anything and everything that’s cool, interesting, fun, sexy — to do, see, hear, feel, taste, and think about it — in the “after hours” of life, meaning in the hours when we’re not working our noses to the proverbial grindstones to earn our livings.
In other words, stuff that’s going on in the hours beyond the 9-5 workday, including weekends, nightlife, and even late night (oh, uh, does this mean I have to stay up past my usual bedtime?).
My launch story is about Trombone Shorty who will be in town this coming weekend at the Sarasota Blues Fest. The guy is supahot. You should go. Tell him MC sent you!
And, if you like the column — this one in today’s paper, or any future column — and feel like letting the guys at H-T know — you can drop a letter to the editor by just clicking here: Letter to the Editor at Sarasota H-T.
I’m happy as a hoolahoop and hope you’ll enjoy reading my new column — as much as I plan to enjoy writing it!
Congrats, my friend!! It is fantastic that you’ll be shakin’ it up again in print. The town needs a little dose of MC Sass to keep them young. 🙂
Thanks Theresa — I’m excited!!
And, thanks for your sweet congrats, too, Gary!
I am so thrilled for you!!!!! You will be a smashing success and the H-T peeps are going to thank their lucky stars for bringing you on board:) The very best of luck to you…..
Thanks for reading, Tammy — and thanks for your encouraging words — I appreciate it very much!
Hey, MC-Many congrats. I look forward to reading your columns even if i can’t stay up late enough to check out many of the evening events!
Congrats MC.Well deserved.I get the paper everyday and will look forward to seeing your column as I do reading your blogs.I wish you great success and happiness as always:-)
That’s going to be my problem too — staying up late to find these “hot” stories! Thanks for reading, Karen!
Thanks Steve — for your congrats and for reading and good wishes!
Great news, MC! Nobody tells it as well as you do! All my best wishes.
Thanks Blaize — let us know when you’re next book is coming out!
Congratulations and welcome back to Sarasota Print!!
You will have to write a column sometime indicating just how happy
is,.. “Happy as a Hoolahoop “..:) LOL
Thanks Geoff, for your nice congrats! You’re right — I better explain that one soon! 😉 Thanks for taking the time to read …..
All right, MC! As stated in other posts, you’re just what this town needs to light up an otherwise very conventional print scene! And as they say in New Orleans, “yeah, you right!” about Trombone Shorty. That’s going to be some show! All the best!! John
Thanks John — for reading and for your kind words. Trombone’s gonna blow this show out! For those of you who don’t know Zest — check it out at http://www.zestofsarasota.com — John and his wife are awesome chefs who serve up delicious and different (yummy!) food at their restaurant in Gulf Gate. They also do catering I believe.
Congrats… now if I only could land a print gig somewhere. No one seems to want a film critic with a strange sense of humor. 🙂
Thanks for reading NeuroMan42 — I hear you on the woes of being a writer! Have you ever tried the Creative Loafing newspaper? Good luck, film man!
Congrats MC – I look forward to keeping up with your column!
Thanks, Nicole — for reading and for the good wishes!
Jeeeez, now I’m gonna have to buy that rag???? Congrats! It will be great to see your stuff back in newsprint on a regular basis again.
Larry — what a sweet message; really appreciate it!
Larry Mason says:
November 4th, 2010 – 7:51 pm
Jeeeez, now I’m gonna have to “buy that rag”???? Congrats! It will be great to see your stuff back in newsprint on a regular basis again.
Say Mary…congrats on getting your feet read in what I consider, to be one of the finest, best written papers in South West Florida… I’m certain, after reviewing some of your fine articles which appeared in the Pelican Press, that you’ll be a huge success and have a bright future ahead of ya…
Larry, regarding your post…I’ll be nice here by stating if MC’s columns appeared in the Observer newspapers, I’d still have to place it at the bottom of my cat’s litter box…that’s about all the slanted newspaper is worth… or perhaps to wrap my fish in….
Say Advocate….you’re right on the money regarding your comment about the Observer newspapers…never in my life, have I seen a publisher use a media source for their own – “personal” political agendas…I’d love to follow the money trail and see who the largest stakeholder is…. I have my ideas…
Hey MC, well, your foot is in the door kiddo…a huge congratulations….and the very best of luck to ya!
Thanks, Daniel!!
Bill and I are so pleased that you are back in the saddle with HT! We look forward to readin’ it even if we don’t make the gig. Your rift on T.Shorty got us way jazzed! Congrats, Baby! We’re tickled you’ve stepped into the local ink.
Coie and Bill — thank you so much for the very sweet note. Much appreciated and nice to hear from you!
Thanks so much for taking the time to read the blog and for your sweet comment, Thelma!! Hope I can live up to it!
Looking forward to hearing a lot more from you!!!
Another book in the works perhaps??
Oh, thanks for reading the blog, Judy; appreciate the good thoughts!
I am planning to take Thanksgiving weekend to make SERIOUS inroads into a book project — hope I can keep that commitment to myself!! Thanks for being interested.
Hi MC,
So happy to hear you’ll be lending your humor and expertise to the Sarasota Herald Tribune..Loved your first article.. Title is great..it caught my eye for sure…Congratulations…I’m writing more each day..I’ll share something with you soon..Thanks for all your support ..
Take care
your style is yours alone..awesome
Oh, thanks Theresa for the good thoughts. Glad to hear you are still writing — yes, share!!
Excellent prediction of what would transpire at the Blues Fest.Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews was the star of the fest with great playing of his horns , singing and charismatic stage presence.Thanks for your nice article as I know it inspired people to attend and have some fun !