Sarasota Magazine is running its annual Best of Sarasota Readers Poll — and guess what? — they have a blogger category! If you’d like to help me have some fun by giving me something to have a martini for in celebration — just vote for MC as “best blogger” in the magazine’s online poll. The polling ends this Friday, January 15th, I think.
And the best part is that by simply voting — whether you vote for me or not — you’ll be entered into a drawing to possibly win “A Night to Remember” prize offered by the magazine (see their webpage for more info) — so go for it!
You can click on this link to begin voting:
Just be sure to follow the guidelines:
In order for your ballot to count, you must fill out at least 30 categories. Only one ballot per email address will be considered. Duplicate entries will be disqualified and discarded. To navigate between entries use the TAB key. DO NOT HIT THE RETURN/ENTER KEY, as this will submit your ballot. You will have 45 minutes to fill out the ballot, or your connection to the server will time out and you will need to resubmit it.
Press the red SUBMIT button at the end of the ballot when you are done.
And if you do vote for me, BIG THANKS for giving me yet another reason to order up a Cosmo!
Um, how many times would you like me to vote ?
Just once! But once is enough and very much appreciated! 😉 hmmmm. i can almost taste that martini!
Hello Newman………….Perkins….Stop kissing up…. she said one ballot per e mail!Start mixing the ingredients MC, it is in the bag like you’ll be after your win:-)
i wouldn’t mind being “in the bag” for that! thanks you guys! 🙂
Steve wrote: “she said one ballot per e mail!”
But, I have many e-mail addies.
Best blogger?
If that’s like winning the superbowl to you writers ,
sure u got my vote
u should try stand up comedy
I bet u would be very good!
There. Taken care of.
Oh, and you are also my vote for the #1 reason why not to leave Sarasota.
Hey, thanks Scott D and JW — for voting for me …. much appreciated!