This week’s Sense and City deals with some of the things I miss about Boston … and some of the things I love about Sarasota … like the beautiful “Butterfly Lady.”
Read the full story in tomorrow’s TICKET — waaayyyyyyy in the back and no, sorry, they won’t give me props on the Table of Contents so you’ll just have to dig around ’til you find it (usually next to last page or so, next to the Advice Goddess for which I receive no end of ribbing).
Or read it online by clicking here: Home Sweet Sarasota
A complete picture M.C.; nice work. My friend once lived in Mississippi and when he came back up north he spoke about the same contrast you have now established in print. He blamed our harsh winters. Ones that recceed our, dare I say, arrogance. Sure we can share the sunshine, but an overcast 20 degree day makes you want to huddle, not divide, concure, and bicycle.
Thanks for reading Scott! Appreciate the kind words.
After living in Costa Rica, I must agree with you on the lack of friendliness in Sarasotans, but I still love it here too. Just returned from CR and say hi to people on the street who generally ignore me. No eye contact. Hope to see you as a fellow local author Sept. 20 at Books1Sarasota. Check out my blog too. Jill