Jim and Janna Konke of Venice have adopted eight children: (front, left to right) Shawn, 8; Mariah, 6; Kayla 5; Lillian 3; and Zegan 4. Back left to right: Luke, 12; Jim and Janna Konke, and newly adopted Hollister, 2, being held by new big sister Natalie, 19.
My Sense and the City column this week is about the children in our community who don’t have homes — and a lucky 27 who finally do.

It’s also about what you can do to help children without “forever families” this holiday season.

If you’re interested, you can click on the link below to read online … or check it out in tomorrow’s TICKET in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.


Homes … and Toys … just in time for the holidays!

2 Responses

  1. Hope you had a great turkey day MC.You always are a champion of great causes and through your columns make people aware of what truly is important in life.Stay well,have fun and enjoy life.Carpe Diem,Steve:-)

  2. What a sweet note, Steve — thank you! Hoping you had a great Thanksgiving and are enjoying a lovely long weekend! All best, M.C.