Click on the image to go to the I AM website.
John Donne wrote, “every man is a piece of the continent”; Thoreau asked, “What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?” Gandhi said, “Live simply so that others may simply live.” Tom Shadyac, in his new film, I AM, gives us reason to hope that people are still asking relevant questions, and working to find real answers. You’ve GOT to see this film! Read my Sense and the City about the new documentary, “I AM,” in today’s Sarasota Herald-Tribune (way in the back of TICKET), or online by clicking right here: I AM … Who You Are!

And then, I really would be interested in hearing what you think … if you have time, come back here and post a comment or drop me a note on FB.

One Response

  1. Sounds like a election campaign ad for Obama: He’s just another Michael Moore with earlier commercial sucess

    “Shadyac questions our contemporary culture’s obsession with accumulating more things, clothes, houses and wealth than we can possibly need as individuals. One of the most challenging moments of the film comes when he juxtaposes images of great wealth next to images of great poverty and asks the question: Isn’t this casual, yet brutal, dichotomy the very definition of insanity?”

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