I loved and hated Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction — loved the acting, loved the Dali-esque mania, loved the script and dialogue … the pulpy violence — not so much. But still, I have a soft place in my heart for people and performances that walk the edge of weird wit and wacky whimsy.

So, in that case, I want everyone to not miss Fred Eaglesmith and the Ginn Sisters at Ace’s in Bradenton on Saturday night — Jan 15. fredzt_w

Yes, it’s out of the way, and that’s what makes it so good. Just appoint a DD and you’re all set.

Recently appearing on the David Letterman show (and I saw them in person last year), Eaglesmith hypnotizes with his gravelly-voiced storytelling of freight trains, firearms, and fickle women (though I find his lyrics just this side of misogynistic and a bit too ready to “get a gun” — he’s still got a way with words and singing) and the Ginn Sisters back him up with sexy, whimsical, rock-solid vocals, and even perform their own songs – with clever lyrics and just enough shimmying. They’re just kind of a goofy sexy and isn’t that the best kind of sexy?

Aces is the perfect old-fashioned honky tonk – unpretentious bar food, cheap drinks; and the best live music in these parts. If you go, tell ’em MC sent you!

$20 advance; $25 at the door; 4343 Palma Sola Blvd. (behind the 7-11 at Cortez Rd., and 86 St. W.); 795.3886 for tix and more info.