Was so much fun being at Circle Books on St. Armands Circle yesterday afternoon. Big thanks to all the nice folks who stopped by to say hello or to buy a copy of my book, Sideways in Sarasota!

It was a gorgeous day; I got to sit outside and people watch and meet lots of nice people, many of whom were accompanied by dogs. One very cute and cuddly Labradoodle dog (and hey, the owner was pretty cute too!) spent quite a bit of time on a bench in front of the store and he was adorable — if I’d had half this dog’s mojo I probably would have sold boxes of books! People could hardly resist stopping to pet him and ooh and ahh over him. The Labradoodle was clearly a book lover as evidenced by his decision to rest his paws near my table … lucky me!

Circle Books is going to continue to carry my book; it’s in the Sarasota section — which I really appreciate, and they invited me back for another signing in March.

Thanks again to everyone who expressed interest in the signing!