Hey — did you know that there are less than six degrees separating me and our new U.S. President?

Yup!! That’s right.

Little Miss MC has a client — EYP (www.eypae.com — I do some corporate writing for them) and that client designed and oversaw the construction of the Inaugural Stands for the 2005 Inauguration of President Bush. Those 2005 stands are still serving as the basis for this year’s stands — the same ones that will be used in Obama’s historic inauguration later this morning.

So, there you have it — I finally finagled my six-degree association with one of the most important men in the country! (Whew! I can finally sleep tonight!)

See you all on the other side of history!

4 Responses

  1. Mary, Congrats to ya and a very impressive gig indeed!
    What a day! and the best of luck to the newly elected 44th. President
    Now, about the 100,000 I’m upside down on my house…….

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