Hey — this is really cool. Sarasota County is having a public discussion tonight (Monday) at 6:30 p.m. — it’s going to be a community conversation about county budget issues that affect all of us. It’s like a virtual Town Hall meeting and the folks at the county ratcheted things up several notches by implementing several ways that county taxpayers can participate.
You can watch the Town Hall discussion on Comcast channel 19 or Verizon channel 32. They’re going to have a live audience of folks from the community who can, hopefully will, participate in the dialogue.
But what’s really cool is that the Town Hall thingamajig will also be streamed — live — on the County’s website. I think the live stream will be available at this url: http://www.scgov.net/communityconnections/. If it’s not there, just go to www.scgov.net and maybe they’ll have a “crawl” at the top of the screen for you to click open.
And maybe what’s even cooler is that us stay-at-homes can still make our voices and concerns heard by any of the following:
Sending questions DURING THE SHOW via email at communityconnections@scgov.net or call them at 941.861.2255, or even send a fax at 941.861.7354.
Wicked cool, huh? I think I’m going to call and give them a piece of my mind (nicely, of course!):)
Feel free to blog your comments on this site as well — we can all have a blog discussion if there’s any of you out there tuning in along with moi!
Drats! I’ve tried sending an email to ask a question but they haven’t featured it yet!! What am i? Chopped liver? 🙂
I believe we are very fortunate to have Mr Thaxton working on our behalf in County government.He is always very well prepared on the issues.He ran unopposed in last year’s election which says a lot as well.