Are you all aware of a local community radio show called Local Matters? It runs on Thursday evenings from 6-7 pm, WSLR 96.5 LPFM, with live broadcasting on the Internet, as well.

Tonight, the program’s host, Joe Hendricks, is interviewing Democratic State Attorney General candidate Dan Gelber, who will share his views on the state challenging the federal health care bill, his thoughts on an Arizona-style immigration bill and tell us what separates him from Republican candidate Pam Bondi.

During the second half of show Democratic County Commission candidate Mark Hawkins who is challenging incumbent Republican County Commissioner Nora Patterson will be talking about job creation and the use of local labor, the county’s role in economic development, the county budget, the spring baseball fiasco and more.

Hendricks is doing very interesting stuff on his Local Matters program — lots of local folks talking about local matters that matter. I think his show takes calls as well from the listening audience — check it out and call in with your questions for these political folks to the studio line at 941.355.4540.