



9 Responses

  1. I know the first step in getting this cat a home is to give him an adorable name.
    Cat is not gonna get him a home
    Bootsy or booty or boots will have him sleeping on a soft pillow in no time!
    In the meantime,
    try and figure out why his eyes appear as though he comes from a different planet!
    It may make him a hard sell.

  2. Well MC, soundls like you have a new member to your family.
    I’d me more than happy to send you a contribution for food for the little guy….

  3. Oh, thanks for everybody saying they’d be glad to help (yesterday and today) … I am feeding and watering him (couldn’t help it!). It is definitely a boy (got close enough a while ago to find out!). I am trying to find a home for him today/tonight and/or possibly taking to the Cat Depot which is a no-kill/adopt-out facility. I’m already attached to the little bugger…..

  4. Grasshopper, the cat’s eyes glow because M.C,’s camera flash went off and she probably doesn’t have the program to edit out that “Alien” look.

  5. I know
    just kidding MC
    about her new friend and companion
    Can’t wait for the new blog
    “the life and times of Boots, the reality cat”

  6. “Nevermind that Director Perkins adopt the little kitty as I know how lonely you get everyday!”

    Sigh.. Yes..

    Maybe, when I get a little more settled down, someday.

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