My Sense and the City column this week is all about the paid parking — using meters downtown — situation in Sarasota.

“I get that the city needs money and is hurting financially. But here’s a news flash: so are the rest of us.”

You can read the column on page 7 of today’s TICKET (available for FREE at newstands throughout the city where the old Creative Loafing boxes are) or read it online at Making Paid Parking Palatable.

10 Responses

  1. You think the comissioners will listen to your sound advice ?

    By the way, how much do you think it would cost to purchase the meters, have the city employees install them, hire meter maids to issue tickets, and when do they expect a return on their investment ?

  2. Mary, here’s a plausable solution to the entire Main St. – Meter fiasco….how about we just close off Main St. from Pineapple to Orange Ave to traffic altogether? We do what they have in European Countries – we walk?! Now, here’s a concept; we close off Main Street to traffic, brick-pave the entire street, place benches, fountains and potted palms all along the street. The vehicles can be parked at the new parkign garage and just make Main Street pedestrian friendly… Mary, I’m certain you’ve seend quaint streets like this in France and I’ve seen shopping areas like this in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Mary, it works! This way, there would be more outdoor seating in front of the resteraunts, cafe’s, wine bars and the new French Bistros…. walk down the middle of the streets and admire Sarasota for what it truly could be, a new, gem for Southwest Florida. People would come from all over to admire the European flair. Italy has this concept, as well as most other countries around Europe.

    This same concept could happen at St. Armand’s Circle as well. This would eliminate every problem. We could have parking garages, strageticly located, with shuttles coming back and forth, every half air trolleys.

    Hey, just a thought……

    The Advocate

  3. Thank you so much, Karen! What a nice compliment. I wouldn’t mind working government but can’t imagine I’d ever get elected! 🙂 Thanks for reading and for posting a note!

  4. I for one support the idea of letting PETA promote an animal free diet with scantily clad women. Especially ones with leather gloves. I mean, you know, let’s be practical.