I know, I know …

Me? Giving advice on dealing with men?

The crazy cat lady dishing advice about managing relationships with men? Isn't that as crazy as Sarah Palin talkin' politics?!
The crazy cat lady dishing advice about managing relationships with men? Isn't that as crazy as Sarah Palin talkin' politics?!

But I’m doing it anyway …. On Thursday, October 28, 6 p.m., I’ll present a sometimes funny, sometimes serious look at “Managing Men!?” – a primer for women who – from the boardroom to the bedroom – still find themselves giving up too much of their own personal power in their relationships with men. Proceeds from the talk will benefit the Women’s Resource Center of Sarasota, 340 S. Tuttle Ave., which is hosting the event.

In 2010 — isn’t this year being touted as the “Year of the Woman”?, by the way — women are still earning 20% less than men for comparable work, are still responsible for the majority of work associated with housework and raising children; and are still too often sacrificing their own personal wants and needs to keep peace in their relationships with men. Drawing equally from time-honored “rules” and 21st-century rule-breakers, I’m going to encourage women to be nice … but not too nice.

A signed copy of my book, Sideways in Sarasota is included in the ticket price of $20; anyone interested can register in advance by calling 366.1700.

This isn’t a paid gig for me — the proceeds will go to benefit the Women’s Resource Center of Sarasota County — which if you don’t already know, has been serving the woman of our community for over 25 years — helping women from all walks of life face and effectively deal with all kinds of life challenges. If you don’t know much about the Center — check it out at www.thewomensresourcecenter.org.

7 Responses

  1. Can Dan and I attend MC?Perkins is busy giving a talk that night on How to buy a woman’s love on $25 a day!:-)

  2. Steve, you are so out of touch. Due to Obamanomics, the price has drastically escalated to $2500.00 a day.

  3. Went really well, Steve. Thanks for asking — good-sized crowd. really interesting audience (and interested too). there was a great Q&A session that followed with lots of good questions and comments.

    hope to do another similar event soon!