So many of you wrote to me over the weekend and today letting me know that you tried to watch Florida This Week last Friday night and the cable company transmission failed about half-way through. Some of you have also asked for the link to FTW’s website video archive.

So, here you go — etched in infamy for all timeMC playing politico with the big dogs. (Just double-click on the February 13, 2009 video box.)

And for those of you who watched it and/or who wrote to me with comments following — big thanks for being interested, for sharing your thoughts, and hope you enjoyed.

And for the guy who told me “You were awful!” — um, thanks, at least for your honesty!

I admit — I was a nervous Nelly, but big thanks to Rob Lorei and his producer Valerie Wolf because they were extraordinarily gracious and generous in welcoming me to WEDU’s station and showing me the ropes. Their patience and consideration eased my nerves at least a little!

My fellow panelists were all really fun to meet and super nice too. All in all — excellent experience, fun, and a definite challenge.

2 Responses

  1. MC, I just followed your link and watched your debut. You were awesome. Thanks for doing what you do. Keep it up.