In the current (January) issue of Sarasota Magazine — I’m featured, along with attorney Morgan Bentley, Asolo Rep artistic producing director Michael Donald Edwards, Argus Foundation director Kerry Kirschner, comedian Les McCurdy, and arts critic Richard Storm, and Bob Plunket, Sarasota’s own version of Dominick Dunne — in Pam Daniel’s “New Year’s Resolutions We Can Believe In” column.
In it, we all try to be funny and smart — to varying degrees of success and cruelty! — in telling other people what they should be shooting for and focusing on in 2010 — folks like Art Nadel, Facebook users, Charlie Crist, Sarah Palin, city manager Bob Bartolotta, and more.
I thought I was a little meanie until I met the rest of my esteemed panelists — these guys don’t even think about pulling their punches (or their punchlines)!
Check it out at — or pick up a copy on newsstands today.
12. For the Sarasota Herald-Tribune
“Coolidge: To hire a local female weekly columnist. (Pick me! Pick me!)” Oh, but you are such a shameless self-promoter (Which, I just happen to admire.).
Yes, yes, yes! Absolutely shameless! 😉 But, c’mon — the Sarasota Herald Tribune has several male columnists — and except for the “society” columnist, Heather Dunhill … nary a female columnist!
They do have some female editorial writers, so that’s good …
Think Bigger !!! You’re better than the columnists in the Sarasota paper,
NY Times !!!!!!!!!
Although Grimes is occasionally very funny!
Merci mille fois!
J’aime votre écriture. Il a fait ma journée alittle brillant et me donne généralement un rire ou sourire
Alors, merci encore. C’est tres gentil et je l’apprecie.
Votre mère at-faire à la maison? Si oui, elle a fait comme les nouveaux meubles?
La table? Elle l’a bien aimee!