Jiminy Cricket! MC Reality readers — both print and on this blog — I can’t thank you all enough for voting for me in the Creative Loafing Best of the Suncoast 2009 contest. You pulled it off — et voilà — I’m now the Best Columnist on the Suncoast three years running (you guys voted me in, in 2007 and 2008)!!!
I appreciate, very much, the opportunity to write and have my words read and to hear from readers — whether they agree or disagree with what I write.
Not really sure how to thank you except say … um, thanks!
I bet my voting 32 times for you probably helped (Steve only voted 17 times)
You win because you are the best.
Thanks John!
And thanks to you, too, Adam! Good luck with the citizens police panel!
I am happy for you. you deserve it. you work hard and produce quality writing.
Oh, Gary — thanks so much for the kind words!
Congrats MC.Most deserved and no surprise to me.John I voted 18 times and know you didn’t even vote as you were too busy learning to Tango and going to Sweet Tomatoes for the buffet:-)
Congratulations MC !
Steve wrote, “you were too busy learning to Tango”
It was not the Tango, it was the Lambada (the forbidden dance).