Jiminy Cricket! MC Reality readers — both print and on this blog — I can’t thank you all enough for voting for me in the Creative Loafing Best of the Suncoast 2009 contest. You pulled it off — et voilà — I’m now the Best Columnist on the Suncoast three years running (you guys voted me in, in 2007 and 2008)!!!

MC Coolidge Best Local Columnist!
MC Coolidge Best Local Columnist!

I appreciate, very much, the opportunity to write and have my words read and to hear from readers — whether they agree or disagree with what I write.


Not really sure how to thank you except say … um, thanks!

8 Responses

  1. Congrats MC.Most deserved and no surprise to me.John I voted 18 times and know you didn’t even vote as you were too busy learning to Tango and going to Sweet Tomatoes for the buffet:-)

  2. Steve wrote, “you were too busy learning to Tango”

    It was not the Tango, it was the Lambada (the forbidden dance).