Hey, just got back from Tampa’s WEDU, filming a Florida This Week show. It will air tonight at 8:30 on PBS Channel 3 and again on Sunday at 12:30, same station.

I have a love/hate relationship with appearing on that show. … It’s fun and challenging — takes me way out of my comfort zone and probably even further out of my political awareness zone! On the other hand, I seem to always get nervous, forget things when it’s my turn to speak, and worry on the drive home whether I looked like the Michelin Tire Man, er Woman due to the chips and salsa I had the night before.

Arrggggggh. Anyway — was an interesting show and I tried to comment at the end about the situation with Sarasota’s bayfront mooring field and pretty much botched it. As in mangled. As in flubbed. Oh, well, sorry ’bout that! Basically, I think there should be no mooring field and we should have let the old-timers, and the real boat people, and the characters, and yes, even the denizens and criminals just continue to stay where they were. Is there no place left in Sarasota where you can be poor and crazy besides chez moi?

Anyway, if you tune into Florida This Week — whether you think I was awful or great or somewhere in between, simply click on this hyperlink to Speak Your Mind with the WEDU community or just leave a blog comment below!

Wishing everyone a happy Friday … off for a martini to unwind.

6 Responses

  1. Bless you for trying to make people aware of the plight of the terrorized live-aboards of Sarasota Bay..

  2. Just be yourself and go in there like you are having a chat with friends.You are your own worst enemy and like Garin said don’t sell yourself short!PS A martini before filming may help too:-)

  3. Some of my co-workers and family members commented to me that they watched the program and thought you made a nice presentation on the program (myself as well).They thought you were very well spoken and prepared and represented the Sarasota area very well. The mooring field issue is very complex and it will not necesarily make our town a better place to live.

  4. Thanks Siesta Surfer for passing along your comments and those of your coworkers and family. I’m glad I acquitted myself well enough, but hope to improve for next time. Yes, I wish I had represented the mooring field issue a bit better, well, a whole lot better actually. I really don’t support what the local government is doing on this issue.

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