I’ll be signing copies of my book of collected newspaper columns — Sideways in Sarasota, TONIGHT (Sept. 20) from 6 to 8 pm at Bookstore 1, 1359 Main Street, Sarasota.
If you don’t have a copy of my book and want one — swing on by! If you have one but want to just drop by and say hello and browse this great new Sarasota bookstore — that’s just as cool.
There will be other authors as well — including Jill Hine’s aka “Costa Jill” — who will be signing copies of her new book, Free to Bloom. Learn more about her and her Costa Rican adventures at www.costajill.com.
MC: What’s the deal on a new read is there one coming our way soon??
I am woefully behind in living up to my writerly intentions. So, there’s nothing coming anyone’s way soon. But your comment/query is a kick in the butt to get me moving, er, typing, so thanks.
Thanks for the plug. Hope to see you around town. Hugs, Jill