A few weeks back, I stopped by Skippers Smokehouse up in Tampa to check out Rosie Ledet and the Zydeco Playboys. It was on the way back from my best friend’s wedding celebration. My fun factor was zapped and I was such a weanie I didn’t even dance.
Didn’t. Even. Dance.
I’m wondering how, if Rosie Ledet’s good-ole girl groove couldn’t get me on the dance floor … what precisely is it going to take to jump start my juju?
This IS NOT how I thought I’d start off 2010 — particularly not when I went on record for the whole wide world to see and read — proclaiming THIS was the year I was going to have some outrageous fun. We’re up to Day 42 already and I’ve had what I would call REAL fun all of six or seven times. I’m just slogging around and I can’t believe it, to tell you the truth.
Sure, I’ve had lots of good days and nights — good conversations, some good meals, some nice moments of satisfaction, even some moments of hilarity and lots of laughter. But the kind of fun I vowed to have in 2010 was meant to be at a whole new level of experience: laughing so hard your gut aches; experiencing the thrill of doing something you’ve never done before (like zip lining which I STILL haven’t done yet). But the thing that worries me is that it’s almost like I can’t even get in the mood for fun. And no one around me can either.
I met up with a few friends last week and we all sat in a bar having a drink and I’m telling you, the energy level of my friends — all smart, fairly-good-humored women (yes, I’m including myself in that mix, if you don’t mind) was so BLAH BLAH BLAH, I thought I’d fall asleep. I’m sure they felt it too. Heck, maybe I was the one putting them to sleep. All I know was this: it wasn’t fun.
It’s nearly 930 on a Thursday night and I just finished re-hanging the shower door (and fingers crossed it doesn’t come off again) and I’m thinking … really … where the hell is my MC Mojo?
If anybody finds it, will you send it back?
seems like pre-valentines day jitters to me.
You need to think outside the box at this
I got one word for u
( well technically two-las Vegas )
but anyhow
that’s ur answer
grab a girlfriend and hop on a jet
and live it up!!!!
No regrets
one weekend of unadulterated fun!!
U can do this!!!!!!!!!
Ur mojo will find u there!
Live it up MC
don’t pass up ur chance
900. The Office
930 30 Rock
930. Shower curtain
If not Vegas then New Orleans
if u have no ties on ur weekends except ur cats
Mon dieu!!!! U should be soooooooo out of here
write us from the Big Easy!!!
Have fun!!!!!!
Sarasota is too small of a city for a gal with such huge aspirations
skip Vegas and new Orleans
you need the Big Apple herself!!!!
I’m sure u will find what ur looking for in that city!!!!
Best of luck MC
expedia.com is just a click away!
Look MC think of what fun times you have had so far which is probably more than most people.Just let it happen and don’t think about it so much.In this day and age with most people having $$$ woes and job troubles no wonder folks can’t have fun as these are not fun times.Fun can also be measured in minutes or whatever so stop trying to analyse it so much and go with the flow.I know you want knock it out of the ballpark fun but whatever fun you have in the end is fun and probably put a smile on your face.If it is a mood problem perhaps you need to chat with someone.If it is not any kind of depression then get off your touchas and Carpe Diem as life is pretty damn good.The MC mojo is always there inside your brain waiting to get out, as it is tired of moping inside.Think simple!
Well said, Steve..
Thanks John..Gee I take back what I said on the latest blog:-)